
What do you all think about this

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I like the Dolphins and think they have a good chance this year then last year. Do you all think they are a Wild Card team?




  1. hey man dont count ANYONE out... look at the browns last year they went from **** to almost a playoff team.... in a division where all you have to worry about is the pats... if someone on the pats gets injured you have a chance..... also their style will be rough fighting run game and blitzing defense and some teams dont like that so that might be interesting.... i will not say they will be a wild card but i wont say its impossible

  2. I think you should check my highlight video

  3. Its not hard to improve on last season but they aren't a wildcard team. Props for sticking wit your team and not hoppin on bandwagons

  4. HAHAHAAHAHA! good one! I thought u were serious there 4 a second!!!!!

    seriously though the only games the Phins can really win this year is the 1 against Oakland, and the one against SF

  5. Umm...they don't have a good QB, they don't have good recievers, they don't have a solid defense, they don't have that great of coaching...should I continue.

    Oh yeah, they also play in the same division as the Patriots, who are almost guarnteed to win 12 or more games, and the Jets and Bills who will probably be five-hundred teams. Add the fact that the AFC has the Colts, Jaguars, Steelers, Browns, and Chargers and there is just no way.

    Sure, the NFL is pretty unpredictable at times, GB went from 4-12 to 13-3, but the Dolphins were horrible last year...perhaps the worst team in the NFL. Sure, they will be better. But, in the words of Jim Mora, "Playoffs! We (the Dolphins) just want to win a game!"

  6. First of all, don't give up on that dream.  You guys have some GREAT strength with some ex-Cowboy leaders and players so it should definitely be a better season.

    And I would like to thank you and your fellow Dolphins fans for making my very first pro-football experience a great one.  I was in Miami last year for the 9/16 game.  The fans in Miami are so nice and accomodating.  I didn't fear for my life in my Romo jersey like I would if I dare go to Philly, which is in my backyard...

    Good luck this year...

  7. I think you've got a couple year wait for a playoff contender. They are rebuilding and who better to rebuild with than Parcells. I like them making improvements towards the end of the year. Ask this question next year. and you'll get a better response.

  8. Well... I respect your loyalty.  I think it will be at least two more years before the Dophins can hinestly contend, and here is why.

    1) The team currently has NO identitiy.  You have a couple of potential receivers, and one really good RB, but no l-line, no TEs to talk about and a huge mess at QB (Pennignton is obviously a short term answer..but Henne may be the guy of the future..just not this season.  And lets not even go there with you defense yet.

    2) You are in a league with not only the Patriots..but the Bills and the Jets..and while neither is great..they have at least a 2 year year headstart on fixing the franchises.... and a proven coaching staff.

    3) the AFC also hosts the South where you have at least 3 playoff caliber teams (Indy, Jax and Tenn), the North (Browns, Steelers... I think my Bengals are a year away from contending again)..... so I see at least 4-5 teams woth far better talent and experience that will be vyeing for the WC.

    the upside?  While I don't like Parcells... he is a master at turning a team around.  If he performs his usual..he will have the Dolphins at #2 in the East in 2-3 years...and then be shown the door shortly thereafter (probably).  Honestly....the Dolphins futer hinges on 1) the fornt office finally getting some brains, 2) Coaching stability 3) finding that replacement for Marino.

  9. will they do better than last year? yes

    playoffs- no, there still the worst in their own division

    I'll consider it a good year if they win five games

    If they win 8, I will consider it a miracle

  10. N and O spells dawg you crazy.

  11. maybe in fantasyland

  12. really????

  13. i say NO WAY!!!

    in what way did they get better besides their draft pick?

  14. They'll be lucky to win 4 games. Bill Parcells knows this and so should you. This is a rebuilding year and that's it.

  15. I don't believe they are wildcard material yet. They will win more than last year that is for sure. But they still have a way to go. I respect a fan that is loyal to his team at least.

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