
What do you all think of my theory on creation?

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People in this world serve one "chess piece". Humiliating others being a placement as humiliation themselves marked with some strange language on their flesh by an enemy fleet. Having people in their country dying in vain complaining about the deaths there.. being born dust to begin with.

And taking care of how they look and being able to while insulting themselves that people had their own thoughts and choices to begin with(WITHOUT being sarcastic)... and religion are nothing but matured sheep ready to be slained with speech irrelavencies.... Just the way the Creator left the world in.. Humiliation is see'ng our movement and faces on the dirt, metals, water(objects) while everyone looks for a cup called the Holy Grail?I need your opinion please.




  1. This is not a theory on creation as such, but more so an idea of the way we live and have come to live in this behavoir pattern.

    It's a different take on an idea that already exists, but it's a very clever way of looking at it.

    C'est trés interessant!!

  2. Possibly,  maybe, perhaps not,  I don't know..What?

  3. What are you trying to say all i can see is self indulging gobbledygook not reasoned thought or were you smoking something illegal

  4. HmmmmmmYeeeeeeeeess I can see it's merit

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