
What do you all think of that cartoon in the New York Post?

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1 in 10 americans still think obama is a muslim. do you think that cartoon could make it worse? do you think that cartoon is offensive and why? or do you think it's just a joke and people should not make a fuss? did you even get the joke? thoughts please?




  1. Americans think Obama is Muslim because of his statements. The cartoon was hilarious and very much on target.

  2. The U.S. government is based on civil right and separated from religions.

    Whatsoever religion is, if a person is capable and elected by people, he would be the president of U.S.

    All are in people's choice.

    The different between an elected president and a dictator is that:

    An elected president will lead people to the destiny created and desired by people; a dictator will lead people to his own imagined destiny.

  3. I saw it on Fox news, and it was on the Cover page of Newsweek magazine.  However that was not your question.  

    Truth to tell I really could not make out what the message was the cartoon was trying to convey, as they showed it so fast and then took it off the screen.

    The reason he is thought of as a Muslim is because his middle name is Hussein.   That does not make him a Muslim, or even suggest that he is a radical one.

    If someones middle name is O'Hara, does that make him an Irishman?  Not necessarily.  There are many reasons parents choose a name for their children.  People usually identify others with ones name given to them at birth.  That is why when parents do choose a name they should really think about what connotation it has before naming the child.

  4. If this was supposed to come over as satirical, they did a very clumsy job of it. People look at the images before they read the comments, so naturally they don't see the 'joke' right away.

    Obama and his family could do without this kind of 'fun' right now. He declined to answer because he is exhausted after trying to fight a hard battle to keep racism out of politics - this was absolutely unnecessary.

    Ironically, the New York Post are going to lose out here  - it serves them right for not thinking of the possible consequences.

  5. the cartoon was very offensive, but then again this is America and we have the right to free press. weather its the lie or the truth. but what's gonna be so amazing is that Obama will still be president even with the childish doodle trying to knock him down. I don't think people should make a fuss about it. it's just a cartoon and if anyone takes this so seriously as to say "well this cartoon portrays obama as a muslim  them he MUST be" is a complete idiot........ "TIME FOR A CHANGE" plus the degraded his wife, which was very tacky and disrespectful. the artist is an ***. and i would say the same thing if he drew it about McCain and his family. He's an *** (the artist that is)

  6. I think it's quite funny.  Obama will need to get used to such things, if he wants to be President!

    BTW It was the New Yorker, not the Post.

  7. It was meant to support Obama,but most Americans are too stupid to realise it was satire.

  8. They should not have drawn an image of him. It is wrong to have human images in their religion.

  9. Its satire. Obama if he has got any class should rise above it. Leave the people to decide.

    No I dont think its offensive and he should just ignore it.

  10. I doubt that the 1 in 10 americans who think Obama is a muslim read the new yorker, know what it is or can even locate New York on a map.  I think the cartoon is hilarious and anyone who finds it offensive needs to get a grip.

  11. it is very funny,i hope they print it on t-shirts,a collectors item.

  12. wasnt it the new yorker?

    this is what you are referring to... right?

    yahoo answers wont let me put up the link to the new yorker... cowards

    the worse kind of censorship... shame on you YA

  13. It's accurate. To say Obama is not a muslim is laughable. To call him a christian is an insult to christians.

    The facts are: He was raised muslim. When he went into politics, he became a "christian" through the church that says the blacks are the chosen people and all jews and white should be killed.

    I rest my case.

  14. That's nothing, i think 9 out of 10 still think Bush is a Christian!!

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