
What do you all think of the name Amethyst or Tanzanite?

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I am now definately sure that I want to change my name next year.

I am still trying to decide on middle names. Changing my first name to Kate-Jane. I am trying to decide on 3 to 4 middle names.

How does the name Amethyst sound? I remember coming across an infant in the Suntimes named Amethyst.The amethyst is my birth stone.(February).

What do you all think of the name Tanzanite? Tanzanite is also a beautiful gem stone.

How does Amethyst or Tanzanite sound?Is it too far out?




  1. Amethyst  is nice, i like the name Rosalie, and maybe even Joy or Mariel

  2. Kate-Jane is really pretty!

    I like the name Amethyst,

    I've seen the gem stone Tanzanite, its gorgeous.

    But for a name, Tanzanite kind of reminds me of Tarzan.

    Just go with Kate-Jane Amethyst.

  3. I would shorten it to something like Amy or Tanya.  You could go with the idea of the gemstone but then make it sound like a name rather than a rock.

  4. those aren't names, they are stones

    if you are going to change your name change your first name to kate and your middle name to jane.

  5. Amethyst, yes. It's the proper name for Amy.

    Tanzanite, no.  Sounds too made up.

  6. Why change your name? It's your personality that defines who you are. You don't need a unique name to be totally unique. You already are...

  7. Kate-Jane Amethyst or Kate-Jane Tanzanite? EE GADS NO! Both are truly awful with the first names.

  8. Um not my favorite names in the world

    Choose something else

    But if I were to choose I would go with Amethyst

  9. amethyst is nice..tanzanite umm no....unless u r an immigrant and r applying for citizenship its is VERY expensive to legally change ur name...just so u know..

  10. I like Amethyst. It's also my bitrhstone, so I like it too, it's a really pretty color, and even if people say they don't like it you should still use it as a name if you want.

    Tanzanite is okey too, but I like Amethyst better.

    EDIT Lucia? Whats wrong with Athiest?

  11. I think its cool that you want to change your name, and naming yourself after a gem is a really cool idea. If I had to choose between Amethyst or Tanzania , I would go with Amethyst. If you want to go with the whole "gem" thing,  why not name it after the month of a stone?  Like June, December, or May?  

  12. I like the name Amethyst better.  It sounds more like a real name, but still original.  I love how it's your birthstone.  I don't really like the name Tanzanite, but that's just my opinion.  If I were you I'd go with Amethyst.  Hope this helped!

  13. They're not names....

  14. Gross. Kate-Jane sucks too.

  15. Amethyst is better than Tanzanite but their both too far out, go a little simpler like Candace, M'kayla etc

  16. way too big. sorry.

  17. I like it. I know a girl named Senelenda. It's ok to do what you want. Go 4 it :)

  18. Imagine a conversation between you and one of your friends. Will it seem natural to have such an exotic name like that? If someone wants to shout out your name, will it sound right? I'm a writer, and these are all things i consider when naming characters. Remember, you have to live with this name and unless you decide to change it again, that will be your title, the way people know you. Do you really want to be a person named after a rock? Kate-Jane sounds nice, although the other two I'd be skeptical about.

  19. That is nauseating. Change your name if you must but I hope you will come to your senses and pick an actual human name.


  20. i don't think that Kate-Jane Amethyst flows very well nor does Kate-Jane Tanzanite. do you really need a middle name if you have two first naems?

  21. UGH! Don't do it!

  22. that depends, are you pursuing a career in exotic dancing? if so great choice.

  23. Kate-Jane Tanzanite [+ last name]??? I would say definitely not. It doesn't work together at all. In fact, I don't think Kate-Jane sounds right as one name either, it doesn't have a nice ring to it at all.  

  24. i dont like those names before i read your whole question i thought of rocks and i was pretty much right!!

    amethyst also reminds me of atheist.

  25. sorry i dont know how its pronounced so idk butt i would go for the name of your birthstone

  26. Haaaate it. Colored glass and waste of time and money. Just take a hammer and bust up some bottles and make your own.

  27. Dont listen to what other people are saying its your decision and if you like the name then do it personally i dont think you need the name change but if you are sure you want it then thats fine im going to say i like the name amethyst though =)

  28. Carrie means song of  joy. i did not like the either names u said

  29. Personally, I dislike the names. You need to remember that to change in name, at least in the United States, you must go before a judge and present your case as to why you want to change your name. It also costs a fair amount of money.

    You should also figure out complications and difficulties that will arise if you change your name. Also, how do close family members and friends feel about this?

  30. NO they are awful .You may be able to pull of Ruby, Jade, or maybe Emerald. But those are TOO out there. Tanzanite is 1 option for the December birthstone.

    Why would you need 3-4 names jeez?

  31. Amethyst is a nice name, i personally don't like Tanzanite, but it's up to you. if your gonna make a new name why not be a bit "out there"? Why not do a Pheobe from friends and become "Princess Consuela Banana Hammock" or something to that effect! If not, ive always liked the name Orla :)

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