
What do you all think of the name Raisin for a girl?

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I was watching this show on MTV and one of the contestants (a girl) was named Raisin.




  1. Honestly, I don't like it at all.

  2. hahaha thats too funny...  

  3. for a dried fruit it's not bad. I thinks it's better than Prune.

  4. I think it's one of the stupidest names I've ever heard. I guarantee you she will hate you when she grows up. Why would you name a person after a fruit? That's beyond stupidity. Name her Mary, or something normal.

  5. Dreadful

  6. She will be made fun of all through school. Go to and choose a better name, But its up to you.

  7. When I was a kid, we had a black lab named Raisin. She was one ornery *****. She bit every friend I had at least once. Hence I don't find that name appealing for a girl.

  8. I think it is akin to naming her prune. ew

  9. "Raisins" for a girl?? Ew, whats wrong with her parents??

  10. It sounds like an old woman stripper name

  11. I much prefer Sultana, lmao!

    I mean seriously I can't believe you're even asking this

  12. uhhhh pass.  sorry.

  13. Ridiculous....some people shouldn't be allowed to name their own children...

  14. That's just cruel. Can you imagine how much she would get made fun of? Kids are mean. On TV it was probably a nickname.

  15. I had a dog named Raisin.  But I wouldn't name a kid that.

  16. I hate it!

  17. If your sister is Apple and your brother is Pear.

  18. thats awful i would never name my child

  19. Kinda like that guy, an actor or something who named his little boy peanut. lol

  20. uh...i dont  think its that great.  

  21. don't like it, sorry

    there's Rozalyn, which is similar...

  22. I don't really like, but it is your choice. I would just wonder if the baby would be teased later on in school.  

  23. Awww...poor girl! Why would you do that to your child?

    I do, however, like the name Raylin for a girl (it's LIKE raisin, but with an "l" instead of and "S"). I think this name would save the child a lot of embaressment over her name.

  24. i love it, go for it.  she will love it when she grows up.

  25. thats just stupid

  26. I personally do not like it. Are you sure it was not a nickname?

  27. Nothing lovelier than a dried up, smelly old prune. LOL

  28. UGH - no, don't particularly like that name

  29. effing gross

  30. I think they are better names out there, but also worse.

  31. Raisin- bad name this child can be compared with a fruit or worst because of her parents skills at "raisin" a child!

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