
What do you all think of this one and what should I call it?

by  |  earlier

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the sound of heaven spoke to me I thought

clear and crisp like a sweet waterfall in my ear

taunting me with familiar words that intoxicated my senses

I prayed for penance

the sound became a lie

thats when my heart began to die

but still I followed in desperation like a pathetic admiration for the beauty of her soul, for love! I didnt know

with this voice now ringing in my ears my sanity became unclear

my soul darkened as I reached for the light but the door closed and the voice died and I began to cry

so now I say goodbye and float away down this river of pain

isolation became my way

then I froze, cold and insane

alone and dead

my life is in shreads

hey thanks again




  1. Why do you leave massive gaps between your lines?

  2. Title Ideas:

    The Sound of Heaven

    Life Without You (I know, random, but I am a random person)



    Why does it rhyme in some places and not in others? You should have a rhyme pattern, like abcb or something, not all different. Not many people pray for penance-- penance is a punishment. And why would you say they sounded like a sweet waterfall if they are taunting you? And stay in either present or past tense, unless they are reminiscing or something.

    Here is my revised version:

    The voice of heaven speaks to me

    Crisp and clear like crunching leaves

    Taunting and intoxicating with honeyed words

    On that haunting, daunting eve.

    I ask for atonement

    As the sounds become lies

    I plead for forgiveness

    When my heart starts to die.

    Still I followed in desperation

    For the beauty of her soul

    With a puppy's admiration

    For her, for love; I didn't know.

    I stumble 'cross the plains

    With voices ringing in my ear

    Floating away down a river of pain

    As my thoughts become unclear.

    My soul darkens, reaching for light

    The door closes and the voice dies

    All of a sudden I'm enveloped in black

    Sighing, I start to cry, muttering my last goodbyes.

    As I travel this sinking path

    Isolation becomes my way

    Winding here and winding there

    I freeze, insane, here to stay.

    Here I am

    Alone and dead

    Thinking to myself

    How my life is in shreds.

    Good poem idea though, very powerful! Hope this helps!

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