
What do you always use when you play Monopoly?

by  |  earlier

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I'm always the dog!




  1. iam always the banker

  2. I am always the sports car. That is my favorite!

  3. The boat

  4. The car.  Brum brum!

  5. the boot

  6. the boat - well being ex navy I was bound to. Have you noticed that on the adverts for monopoly its always the little boy that wins?

  7. The boot.

  8. I am usually the iron as I am a housewife. However, my hubby is always the car. I love sexual stereotypes.

  9. im with you the dog is my favourite

    however if someone else has the dog then i will choose the car

    i like the answer: the dice

  10. Me, too. I love the dog. Back off, it's mine :D

  11. I try and be the top hat.

    Whenever I play, who ever gets the orange set always wins

  12. Small plastic zombie figures.  Hey, you've got to add some house rules to improve the game.  :)

  13. i always use the dog because i love dogs so much!!

    good question

  14. the ship

  15. wheelbarrow

  16. im always the hat

  17. The boot - without fail. So can kick everyone elses butt!

  18. the dog as well  lost the rest of the pieces have to use whats round the house

  19. dice!!!

  20. Top Hat

  21. Nice question! :D. I always use the iron. The ship is CoOL too.

  22. I am always the dog 2 !

  23. I like the thimble, lol my dad always says he likes the wheelbarrow to "carry all his cash".

  24. the board and the hat

  25. I always choose the dog!   And I love being the banker!

  26. The Board

  27. I go for the car, usually - my Mum goes for the iron, my sister the dog (she's a veterinary nurse)!

  28. Im the horse its the easiest to grab. From the other side of the board.

  29. battle ship all the way!!!

  30. Yea i use the dog or i use the car. But i usally play simpsons monopoly it is funner

  31. Lickle doggy

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