
What do you american's normally eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

by Guest63711  |  earlier

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in my country we just eat rice everythime so i juat wanna eat something new hhehe




  1. Sunshine is most correct on typical meals.  It varies with each person though and some people like to eat what's considered "breakfast foods" for lunch or dinner and vice versa.  Some people will do as someone else said about going to Starbucks (or any place like that) or a bakery and get coffee and some pastry.

    There are many people here too that consume a lot of rice.  I think rice is universal.

  2. For me breakfast is fruit flavored low sugar yogurt with trail mix stirred in. Lunch is usually what we call a chef salad lettuce,tomato,cucumber,ham,turkey,chees... and slices of hard cooked egg.

    Dinner beef,fish or chicken and 2 vegetables sometimes potato or rice.

  3. usually I only have time for cold cereal or hot oatmeal in the morning but on special occasions and Sundays my family has time to make better breakfasts. some popular breakfast food other than cereal and oatmeal is: pancakes, french toast, waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, and fruit.

    there are so many things to eat for lunch and dinner that the list could go on and on but sandwiches (grilled cheese, lunch meat, tuna, etc), salads, and soups are common  for lunch and for dinner you might have steak or pasta, chicken or fish, it really depends on your taste, what ethnic foods you like, and how much time you have to cook

  4. typical breakfast foods in US are bacon, eggs, toast, oatlmeal, pancakes

  5. breakfast - bacon and eggs, pancakes, waffles, cereal, yogurt, and fruit are all popular breakfast foods.

    Lunch- pasta, salad, soup, sandwiches, some vegetables

    dinner- a meat dish usually, vegetables, maybe pasta or rice, bread, etc

  6. It's too wide a range of items to's not like everyone eats the same thing everyday.

  7. Super Sized meals from Macdonalds. Its sad I know.

  8. um, it depends on the person, but americans are very hard workers, and most hardly have time for a real sit-down breakfast.

  9. When I recently traveled to Greece, I was unhappily disappointed that they all believe the typical stereotype of "hamburgers and french fries all day, everyday" In Ireland they also believed this.

    What people need to realize is that America is a HUGE country made of of MANY MANY different nationalities. At work, the Asian woman eats rice and vegetables for lunch and dinner, the health nut will have a salad and a grilled chicken and veg... etc.

    Cereal is very common of breakfast, a sandwich (turkey/cheese) is usually pretty common for lunch and dinner is usually a meat or seafood with vegetables...

    But like I said, I eat sushi for lunch, I am not Asian. My best friend gets Indian food a lot, she isnt Indian.

    There are so many options here it is so hard to stereotype!

  10. i usually eat scrambled eggs for breakfast, tuna sandwich for lunch, and a small meal of a burger or chicken of some sort for dinner.

  11. I'm an American most days I eat something from Starbucks (coffee cake or something like that)  and some coffee. I work at a diner so lunch time I get a burger and fruit dinner is what ever I make for my family. So something quick and easy like spaghetti or chicken salad  

  12. Breakfast- Cereal and Milk is the most common, but a suprising number of people skip this meal entirely. Other options are Bacon and Eggs, Waffles, Pancakes, Crepes, Yogurt Parfaits, Porridge, and Oatmeal.

    Lunch- Usually it's a sandwich of varying variety, but usually they have some sort of meat in them. An extremely common type of sandwich is a BLT. Bacon Lettuce Tomato. Wraps are also common. Fast food is also a common food for lunch since it is quick, hot, and convenient.

    Dinner- Usually it's something more elaborate like soups, steaks, and salads. This is probably the healthiest meal when you consider the american diet and the amount of fast and fatty foods consumed.

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