
What do you and Dad butt heads about, regarding baby?

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My man thinks a diaper change is the ultimate solution to all fussy baby issues. Whenever our son makes an unhappy peep, he rushes him to the changing table. This is especially problematic since we switched to cloth, and I have a nice little system down, where I have just enough diapers to get through the day. There's a few extras for emergency purposes, but when he changes the diaper, it is rarely an emergency! Then, he gets all disappointed when baby fails to be soothed after his diaper change- probably because he was hungry, not wet, but whatever...

So that, and he's over-paranoid. He doesn't like baby to be on our worn-out carpet. He checks the ozone thingie on the Weather Channel before taking baby outside. He thinks every red mark baby gets on his skin is an incurable get the idea. We don't really "butt heads", but it gets annoying!




  1. My husband and I just butted heads last night......ugh.

    My 20 month old has decided that she wants to live in her pouch sling. Which would be fine, except I really need a carrier that would enable me to have my hands I've been having some issues with my pouch sling becoming increasingly uncomfortable for me.

    So, I've been looking around (mostly on ebay) for a new carrier, one that is made more for a toddler than a baby. Since my husband is in Iraq at this time, I try to keep him informed about what's going on with our daughter. And last night I mentioned how I was on the look-out for a new carrier.....

    My husband then informed me that I was " trying to keep our daughter a baby...she knows how to walk, so there's no need to carry her everywhere.....she's going to be clingy and not move out of our house until she's 30......and I'm treating our daughter like an infant because I want another baby.....!!!!!"

    Jeez. I tried to explain that wearing baby (and/or toddler) actually *helps* the child be secure, but he wasn't having any of it. I finally told him that he needed to research what attachment parenting/baby wearing was all about, and signed off......LOL. Of course the morning, he's completely over the entire argument while I'm still peeved..... :) Just like a man.

    Okay, I'm done now. Thanks for the opportunity to rant....LOL

  2. It makes me angry when my husband sleeps for 10+ hours and then complains that he's still tired when I barely get 4 hours of sleep. Or that he still wants me to take our daughter to daycare even though he has the day off. Or when he does watch her(which is hardly ever) and when I get home the house is a wreck and he says he can't get anything done when he watches her but yet I can. Sorry, but that felt good. Thanks!

  3. The baby bath tub...or "pod". I love the pod, he thinks it is just an overpriced five gallon bucket, and calls it a trash

  4. Good question.

    I guess I could just make a general broad statement that my husband and I butt heads about parenting styles as a whole.  I don't totally follow one style or another, but I guess if I had to classify my style it would lean more towards attachment parenting.  SO, he fought me about bringing her into our bed (which ended up totally saving my sanity and allowing me to sleep a little), he fought me on the CIO issue (he wanted to use the CIO method), and the most recent issue is the turning around of the car seat.  I know the minimum to turn it forward facing is 1 year and 20 lbs. (which my daughter just met last month), but there is no rule stating you HAVE to do this and it is totally safe (actually SAFER) to leave them rear facing up to 35 lbs.  He wants to turn her around sooo bad, I'm like "why?"  she's perfectly fine and happy staying rear facing.  His family is even jumping in on this debate, *sigh*, oh well, they can think I'm weird all they want!  (they also raise their eye brows about the extended nursing, but haven't said anything to me about it, yet).

    Okay, I'm done, thanks for letting me get it out :)

  5. He likes to start bad habits with Ava and he knows it annoys me and makes me so mad. I have yelled at him for doing it many times. The most recent one he started with her is he laughs when she hits him in the face, now she does it to everybody and laughs about it!

  6. OMG!!! You are married to my husband aren't you?  Except my husband thinks that the ultimate answer to soothe a fussy baby is to either stick a bottle in her mouth or hold her ALL THE TIME?!  Then he can't figure out why she screams when she's placed in her swing or left alone in the living room for two seconds while mommy goes to the potty.  He also pokes at me if I hold her with her arm dangling as she could break it...hello I am smart enough not to sit down and crush her husband is a wonderful father but OH SO overprotective and paranoid.   So I have decided to just let him do it his way and I will do mine because there is no talking to him.

  7. HMMM, I'm glad my husband didn't see this question, because he would have a couple of things to rant about...  

    The one thing that got my incredibly upset(just about as angry as I have gotten) is when he and his 16 year old pulled up the other day with our son the backseat.  His son, who doesn't have his license yet was driving.  Luckily my husband figured it out pretty quickly and I didn't have to read him the riot act.

  8. It seems to me that it sounds like he is over-protective, and that there is a big lost of communicate between you guys. It's okay to worry about things but he needs to realize that yeah now that you son is little, he will be around always but what happens when he goes to school?? I think the diaper changing and everything is just part of his own worries in failing to be a good father. My husband was like that with our first child. He didn't want her to be on the floor and always everyone had to be washing there hands and etc. But we meet half way in things talked it out and he started changing little by little. It will take time(sorry). Good Luck hope this help.

  9. My husband is not a fan of cloth diapers. Don't ask me why since I am the one that washes them, cleans the p**p, washes out the wet pale etc. He thinks they are "not clean" as if a diaper ever really is.

    So when I am not looking he will break in to my stash of "just in case" disposables and change him in to one. It's become a joke in our house and I keep finding better and better hiding places for the disposables but he keeps finding them.  

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