Go on, get your rant on...
My man thinks a diaper change is the ultimate solution to all fussy baby issues. Whenever our son makes an unhappy peep, he rushes him to the changing table. This is especially problematic since we switched to cloth, and I have a nice little system down, where I have just enough diapers to get through the day. There's a few extras for emergency purposes, but when he changes the diaper, it is rarely an emergency! Then, he gets all disappointed when baby fails to be soothed after his diaper change- probably because he was hungry, not wet, but whatever...
So that, and he's over-paranoid. He doesn't like baby to be on our worn-out carpet. He checks the ozone thingie on the Weather Channel before taking baby outside. He thinks every red mark baby gets on his skin is an incurable rash...you get the idea. We don't really "butt heads", but it gets annoying!