
What do you and your partner often argue about?

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Tell me the most common arguement starters...

taking out the trash

sharing chores





  1. We are both absent minded, and it has led to many arguments.

    lol, Lisa you and my wife should do lunch.

  2. It sounds petty but we argue over the darn remote control and who wants to watch, what, when. Honest to *** we now have two remote controls! We have sorted that problem out. I have sole authority over the remote on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. He has sole rights on Tuesdays, Thursdays and the weekend. It works like a charm. You wont believe how many times we say to one another ‘Hey, it’s my night, fingers away’

    Thank heavens, we are both documentary fans.

  3. Used to be money or should I say the lack of it lol!  Then we lost 3 out of our 4 parents and just realised, that lifes to short to argue, we just agree to disagree, I dont try to change his attitude towards things and he doesnt try to change mine, its the only way you can really live in peace.  Also doing things for each other on the spur of the moment brings a lot of good will, so I reckon the only way to ever win an argument is not to have one in the first place, nobodies feelings get hurt so it cant be thrown up in your face later, accept that we all have our faults and live with them, after all, you knew these things about them before you got together and people dont really change that much! :)

  4. work! the army does stupid c**p all the time!! he leaves at 530am and comes home after 6pm. He only gets 'paid' $2.39 hr. and NO we don't get FREE housing, we pay rent, utilities etc.. just like everyone else.

    i hate the army

  5. Dumb, little things. lol... all of the things you mentioned above and more!! :) I think ppl just seem to get irritated a lot easier with somebody they've grown comfortable with... doesn't really matter what causes it but something always does. lol.

  6. We rarely argue but when we do, it's usually regarding my "attitude" towards her parents who I do not want to see this weekend, last weekend or next weekend, they irritate the living sh*t out of me, at one point they lived around the corner from us and I eventually had a long talk with my wife informing her to do something about the endless visiting or else I was ready to pack and leave, you have only one life and being unhappy is not the way to live it. Since then we only see them every second weekend and we have no major problems.

  7. - Making a mess in the kitchen, right after I've cleaned it.

    - Just dumping his dirty clothes on the floor.

    - Him smoking.

  8. Messing up the kitchen after I cleaned up,leave tha rubbish in the entrance wall,And money and for never close lids properly or letting the Chutney run down the bottle and put it back in the fridge and let that sticky stuff drip ano everthing in ths Fridge!!!!x*x

  9. The s***w top lids are always just "put" on or loose, in fact any lids, the milk, the toothpaste, cola, juice, instant coffee, you name it.

    We both snore !

  10. I get cross because he does not listen to me, he looks at me but does not listen and then later when I said, did you remember to put the dogs out, buy bread, pay the gardener or what ever he says: "But you never asked me to do it!" If he is watching tv, I virtually has to switch the tv off and let him look me in the eye, because it seems he can only concentrate on one thing at a time. He gets cross with me because he says I keep on repeating myself.........the reason why I do is because he does not listen!

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