
What do you ask a potential roommate?

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I may need to get a roommate because my rent was increased. I don't have very good interviewing skills. What do you ask a potential roommate about themselves to find their trustworthiness?




  1. Well you shouldn't ask how much money they make, but you should ask about their employment situation because you need to know whether they will be reliable when it comes time to pay the bills.  Also, ask them if they've ever lived in a roommate situation before.  If they have that's great since they will already be used to the idea of sharing common spaces and being considerate (hopefully) of others.  I would suggest you guys also get an idea of each others lifestyles.  For example if you're an early bird and they are a night owl, you might have problems with noise while one person is expecting to sleep.  Also music volumes, cooking, dividing up cleaning responsibilities and such should all be discussed ahead of time to see if your preferences are similar or not.  And I can't stress enough about discussing visitors and/or overnight guests as this can cause major problems if the two of you feel differently about what is considered appropriate.  Good luck in you roommate search!

  2. You should first of all ask practical things, like

    if they smoke

    what their habits are (travelling, going out every night)

    if they have a lot of company

    Fix some things like

    how you share food

    how you devide the housework

    if they have any strings attaced

    Find out

    why they want to live there

    where they lived before

    if they have health issues,

    a legal background (ever went to jail)

    and so on.

    You can do that yourself.

    Ask anything that pops in you mind, but in such a way so that it`s not obvious that you are practically interrogating them. And write things down.

  3. Ask them what jobs they have done.

    Talk about there family & friends.

    What do they do socially.

    Its wrong but you should stereotype. They SHOULD tell you what you want to hear. If you dont like what they say - simply, they are not going to be your roommate.

    Also, be very open minded with the questions.

  4. First of all find out if your landlord will allow you to have a roommate.  It's easier to add them to the lease, but this will allow the landlord to raise the rent.  Check your rental agreement, you could be violating it if you allow someone not on the lease to live with you and collect rent from them.  You both should come to the decision that the rent needs to be paid on time and in full.  If you are renting out a room in your home a rental agreement up front listing everything from who does what chore to what is paid for additionally and what is included in the rental fee.  Put in the clause of a 30 day notice to be served by either party if things are not working out.  Remember this person is a stranger coming into your home, so they might not think in the same manner as you the homeowner does.  Find out if they have a job and ask for their employer's phone number.  Ask for references, personal and professional.  If they refuse both, then move on to the next person.  If they are having lots of problems where they are living now, still ask for the other person's phone number that they're renting from.  I have found in the past that the person having LOTS of problems is the cause of the problems not the victim.  NEVER rent with an irresponsible, but best friend thinking that you can help or change them....Take your time looking for someone that is a decent fit.  If you're in a real bind financially, get a part time job for extra income...even if you're never home you at least will have piece of mind knowing that the roommate from h**l isn't waiting for you when you get home.

  5. Ask him/her for references

    Ask if you could visit where they are now

    Ask they have a car or if they know how to ride the bus

    Ask if they are clean

    Ask them for a credit report

    Ask them for a criminal check

    Ask them if they have children

    Ask them if the are a smoker

    Ask them if they have pets

    Ask them if they have a partner

    Ask them how they feel about housework

    Ask them about the cost of the expense and sharing the cost

    Ask them about the cost of food

  6. about drinking, smoking, personal beliefs etc...

    family ques too and get references..

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