
What do you believe about Global warming, and how would you suggest we fight it or demote the importance of it

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In addition to this question, How much does your daily activities reflect your belief on global warming?

Do you believe our government should be focusing more on global warming issues or other issues?

I would appreciate it if you include your s*x, age, and race if you dont mind




  1. male over 50 white

    I live with a fairly small footprint.  Drive only about 5,000 mile a year. my used 1990 minivan gets 24mpg hwy 20 city and passes California's strict emission rules.  Would prefer a more efficient vehicle.

    Don't buy many consumer goods.

    Yes we are causing global warming.  Most of the skeptic stuff you read here is nonsense.  

    We should embark on the following program to convert the U.S. electric grid to 65% solar by 2050 and near 100% solar by 2100.

    We could do this with 1/4 of the money we now give to oil companies as subsidies and 1/40 of the total hidden costs of oil, which are about $800 billion annually;  not counting the Iraq war and it's costs in lives and money.

    We can do just that at a suprisingly low cost, with technology we already have. It has already begun in California which could have over 2 gigawatts of new solar from power plants, in just a few years. We already have 355 megawatts now.

    I gigawatt = 1000 megawatts

    I gigawatt would power San Francisco, or the equivalant of 775,000 homes. A medium size nuke plant, or Hoover Dam would be about 2 gigawatts. Two of the proposed solar plants for the Mojave Desert are up to 800 and 900 megawatts each.

    Scientific America Solar Grand Plan

    Green Wombat has several stories on the companies working on solar thermal power plants in California.

    "Solar thermal power plants such as Ausra's generate electricity by driving steam turbines with sunshine. Ausra's solar concentrators boil water with focused sunlight, and produce electricity at prices directly competitive with gas- and coal-fired electric power."

    "Solar thermal power plants can store energy during daylight hours and generate power when it's needed. Ausra's power plants collect the sun's energy as heat; Ausra is developing thermal energy storage systems which can store enough heat to run the power plant for up to 20 hours during dark or cloudy periods."

    "Solar is one the most land-efficient sources of clean power we have, using a fraction of the area needed by hydro or wind projects of comparable output. All of America's needs for electric power – the entire US grid, night and day – can be generated with Ausra's current technology using a square parcel of land 92 miles on a side. For comparison, this is less than 1% of America's deserts, less land than currently in use in the U.S. for coal mines."


    Concentrating photovoltaic power plants are viable for this also. They both use parabolic mirrors to focus sunlight. One converts light to electricity, the other uses the heat of the sun.

    And other clean energies can add to the grid as distributed energy, including roof top solar panels, wind, waves , geothermal,etc.

    We already have about 100 nuclear plants running, so for now, at least, they are part of the mix.

    Fuel cells, that run on natural gas, are commercially available for power plants. Heat from the fuel cells is also captured and used.

    Much cleaner than burning the gas.

    Manure and plant waste from farms is good source of power and eliminates methane that would add to greenhouse gases otherwise.

    I was impressed with the following.

    "Wild Rose Dairy in Webster Township, WI is home to an innovative renewable energy facility powered by cow manure and other organic waste. The farm is home to 900 dairy cows, and an on-site anaerobic digester creates methane-rich biogas from their waste, which is used to generate 750 kilowatts of electricity per hour—enough to power 600 local homes 24/7."

    That's one home for every 1 1/2 cows.


    "Environmental Power’s Huckabay Ridge is the largest renewable natural gas plant in North America, if not the world. Huckabay Ridge generates methane-rich biogas from manure

    and other agricultural waste, conditions it to natural gas standards and distributes it through a commercial pipeline. The purified biogas, called RNG®, is generated by Environmental

    Power’s subsidiary, Microgy, and is a branded, renewable, pipeline quality methane product."

    Here are websites that show the skeptic stuff is a bunch of nonsense.   dispells the myth about 17,000 scientists who are skeptics on AGW    similar

  2. Put all the alarmist on a morphine drip...stat.

    s*x: occasionally

    age: old enough to know better,but young enough to do it anyway.

    race: only when someones chasing me

  3. I am a man, 20 years of age and a proud Jamaican.I think we should create artificial trees to trap the excess carbon dioxide in the air and channel by tiny tubes to the bottom of the sea compressed so it doesn't raise the sea level. everyday we drive cars and burn cabon monoxide so we should use unleaded gas.    our country produces, so we have factories, there is nothing we can do about the cabon dioxide so we should creat a gas to subsitute for the ozoneand also utilize the three r's reuse, reduce ande recycle.

  4. I do, I watched the Al Gore movie, and I was shocked, but I've taken little steps to decrease my wastefulness.. like using cloth bags instead of plastic, and using rechargeable batteries instead of the ones that you throw away every 3 seconds. But i'm guilty of driving everywhere and driving a truck

    i'm 19, male, and chinese

  5. GW is very complex. To learn how to control GW go to The USA must cut greenhouse gasses by 3 to 5% per year for the next 10 years at the same time we build renewable energy which would then cut another 20%. This gets us off imported oil and on the way to solving GW.

    Have fun

  6. I do not believe in global warming, I do believe the climate does change and is cyclical.  My wife and I have been environmentally aware since we were married nearly 14 years ago. We have recycled, do not use incandescent light bulbs. Purchase wash machine and dryer that are very efficient same goes with all our appliances.  I used to be a logger and we always made sure we cut the forest correctly to ensure sustained growth and plus by harvesting correctly it allowed for young growth to come up in abundance.  

    I believe our government cannot solve our issues if anything they have done a poor job of managing the forest, I would like to see incentive laws passed to encourage the private sector come up with ways to help.

    I do not think we should scare people to make them aware of our environment, I also do not like clubs or groups who are unwilling to work with local communities to come up with plans that help the environment and still helps the community to be strong economically.

  7. i am male, 14, and Irish. global warming isnt bad. its a natural process, and we only help it along less than 2 percent. we should not use plastic bags or any unnecessary products that destroy the environment, because although the ice caps melting is natural, animal dying from plastic isnt. the reason this stuff is happening is because people are making money. they dont care about anything, about people or life or anything. no, im not talking about the ceo's of the companies, im talking about the man. its the system. you can work for a company, even own one, and you can care, but its the company as a whole that dosnt care, people wont do anything for the good of the company. people and animals die from this. and what are these products?  things necessary for life? NO! there for convenience. how sick is that. "hmmm, i think ill use plastic because its easer to carry. but wait, things will die. OH WELL!"  thats sick. its not going to slow down. when things like this happen, there only one way to stop it, you cant slow it gradually down, you have to stop it in its tracks and kick it while its down. how we do that to something that rules the word and keeps it going is the hard part....

  8. Global warming is caused by the Sun.  Man's contributions to any warming is insignificant.

    So-called global warming and pollution are two separate issues.  We should do what we can to reduce pollution, as we are already.

    If the gvmt gets involved, pollution will get only worse and cost us more.  Use the war on poverty as an example.

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