
What do you believe about global warming?

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What do you believe about global warming?




  1. Global warming is a natural earth cycle and is not caused by, nor can it be stopped by mankind.

    Man made C02 in the atmosphere accounts for 3-5% cars and factories, A/C and fossil fuels.

    Natural C02 is 95-97%  Mostly forrest fires, volcanoes, biological decay.

    Also C02 is a product of a Warming Global not a cause.

    The sun, being 1 million times larger then the earth is the sole cause of a warming global.

  2. Real, mostly caused by us.  EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement saying that.

  3. I believe technology and pollution are the reasons for global warming.  We pollute our air and destroy the ozone with cars and factories.  People can argue all they want to me that global warming does not exist.  

    However, how can someone argue that global warming and the temperature seemed to start increasing when we started advancing our own technology and started polluting the air more?

  4. made-up scam by 'BIG GREEN' Al Gore

  5. save the environment... kill yourself

  6. I think global warming is going to kill us all but i don't blame it because We created it especially my aunt and her husband lol.  

  7. The earth has been warming and cooling itself for millions of years it is a natural cycle.however I also believe that our lifestyles are greatly accelerating global warming and that cannot be a good thing.  

  8. Nothing.!!!

  9. Global warming is real and is being caused by the greenhouse gases we humans have produced so much of. We haven't noticed the temp change as much as we should have because of an equally problematic issue called global dimming. Particles in the air, again put there by humans, are deflecting sun rays and causing the temperature to decrease. If we get rid of particles in the air but not invisible greenhouse gases the earth's temperature will increase at an even more dramatic rate. Pretty scary really because the polar icecaps will melt and that is an irreversible process.

    Sorry for rambling...

  10. global warming may or may not be caused by human activities. our planet has had varied temps in it's 5 billion year history, ranging from global iceball to global jungle.

    the warming that everybody is blaming on us may be natural. it might be made worse by human activity. it might be pure BS.

    it does not matter how you do it. if you want to reduce your CO2 footprint, you can also save money. the most potent motivator ever.

    drive fewer miles. turn off lights and appliances. use the compact flourescent bulbs. many more. all save money AND emissions.

  11. I believe that there is global cooling as the earth ages, and man has very little to do with it

  12. There's no global warming...can anyone mention where on earth the temperature has risen due to manmade global warming?  Anyplace?  

    Of course not.  That's the thing, it's not even happening and some people are so convinced!  Blame it on Al Gore and his buddies and their socialist agenda funding needs.

  13. i know that the earth's temperature is a function of the energy it receives from the sun and its stored core energy.

  14. man why do people think we have that power. earth has been around for billions of years. people say that the we are polluting  the air with our filth.  there has been thousands of volcano eruption, that spit out way more c**p then our cars and factorys.  the earth is powerful. it will adjust and adept to what ever is thrown at it.  

  15. I believe if all the ice in the Arctic is shrinking at a rate we cant  understand?Then yes it is a fact  

  16. I believe that there are small number of people with their heads firmly stuck in the sand who deny the evidence before them. Unfortunately, although this number is small, there are amongst the worst polluters.

    These people rant on and on about their "civil liberties": That they have the right to pollute this planet while the rest of us choke on their second hand smoke. The mentality is akin to those who insist that it is an infringement of their rights to try and stop them driving drunk, beating "their property" (wives) or smoking a cigar in intensive care.

    I can only hope - although I do not believe - that the rest of the world will be able to contain their excesses and somehow alleviate the repercussions of AGW despite their stupidity.

  17. I believe pollution cause global warming. We destroy the ozone with transportation, factories, and we are poluting our air. The temperature is starting increasing and sea level is rising by the ice is melted.

  18. Global Warming Does not exist the planet it changing, Why wont people except it. over 30,000 scientist have signed a potection about global warming being real or fake.

  19. Scam of the century.  Charles Ponzi must be somewhere in the after life kicking himself that he didn't think up this one.

    More than that it's a hijacking of a legitimate environmental movement.  Time, money, and effort that might be spent fighting real problems is wasted tilting at the windmills of Al Gore's demented imagination.  

    Worse it is a cover under which the politicians of the world hope to increase their power over our lives and divert to their pockets the wealth that might help better people's lives.

    In 10 years, when there is no planetary emergency, and the weather is pretty much like today, can we all stop worrying about this and get back to worrying about real environmental problems, like soil depletion, particulate air pollution, and groundwater degradation.

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