
What do you believe are the best flowers to have at a wedding?

by  |  earlier

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This is what it comes down to, I guess....

This is how lameit has become. I am tired of little people trying to ask dumb and stupid questions in wrong forums. I seen on here the other day, a question about girlfrinds, and today I have seen a question about graphics, spark plugs, and motorcycle fluids......WTF!!!!!

If you have a legitemate racing question, post it here in the racing forum, otherwise, please post all non related motorcycle questions under cars&transprtation / motorcycles....

is it really that hard to read and press a button so a question finds its way into the correct forum? I guess, by the number of lame questions, that it really is?

and for my last irk....

who cares what bike we all think you should get, and who cares what "mods" you should get. Get a life and try something unique, but thats right, you all are so lame you cannot think for yourselves....

Het people, this is the MOTORCYCLE RACING forum. Lets keep it that way.

I am done ranting now, Thanks for listening!!




  1. To be fair to some of the idiots, they often mispell their question, and yahoo automatically posts it here or somewhere innapropriate. I tested this a couple of times.

    You are correct, of course.

    Ref the flowers: any flowers except Jennifer.

  2. hey dude! my friend works at the graveyard what kind of flowers do you need? I got hook up!  wanna buy a backhoe? low hrs she's a real beauty!!!

  3. I agree.

  4. You know what the worst thing about the girlfriend question?

    It got about 15 answers.

    Thats about 5 times the usual answers for a legit racing question!

    Whats up with that???

  5. I agree, people should pay attention to which section they put their questions under. I sometimes have a really hard time finding the answer to a question I have because people don't put the questions in the right sections.

  6. Hey Jason,

    I think Roses are just the thing - and I quite agree with you about the mis-posting!

    Have a merry christmas, and remember - only 10 weeks till Qatar!

  7. you and a bunch of other ppl are about the rudest ppl on here!!!!!! im sure you wouldnt like for ppl to go around calling you dumb and stupid and saying your an idiot..... WELL OTHER PPL. DONT APPRECIATE IT EITHER. some ppl listed their questions in the wrong forum.... WHO CARES.... GROW UP!!! quit being such a baby and whining about it..... that goes for all of yall who are doing this.... and i know someone is prolly going to go and report this as violating guidlines and fine if you want to do that....... it really doesnt matter to me!!! some of us prefer not to be childesh about this and i really hope i have made my point clear.!!!!

  8. red ones

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