
What do you believe in? and why?

by Guest63175  |  earlier

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What do you believe in? and why?




  1. Nn lo so :'(........ciaooooooooo!

  2. i believe that we are people and people came from ants which is what we step on everyday and that life could be better.

  3. I believe that there is God. Because God is the only one who gave us this life that no one else can do.

  4. That everyone is equal....truly I do.

    That politicians neglect the people immensely and don't no **** about them....they just think they do.

    I feel as though those whom happen to be LGBT are seen for that and only that during their entire life and not seen for any other part of their being~~which is wrong!

    I believe in God and Jesus...but disagree with the Catholic church.

    I believe that God is not "within the church", that he is everywhere, everyday, with me if and when I need him to be.

    I believe in love.


    I "believe in" the existence of other realities that have been identified and/or mis-identified with all sort of labels by various philosophies as "planes" or "levels", "spiritual realms", "alternate universes", "Heaven h**l Purgatory or Limbo", the "Bardo", "Afterlife" etc.

    I beleive that these "areas of existence" are our natural home and this physical "level" is a school where we come for further study and to practice applying the lessons we learn in our spiritual existence.  Each life is comparable to a grade in school, followed by the spiritual equivalent of "summer vacation" between lives.  If we learned our lessons we will go on to a new grade in the next life - if we didn't, we'll repeat past ones.

    However, I believe that these other "spiritual places" have no definable physical locations and absolutely NO religious significance at all, but are different ranges of energy frequencies within which we exist.  

    I also believe these bandwidths sort of "fade into" eachother as opposed to having definitive boundaries - with the possible exception of this one, our own physical frequency range.  There DOES seem to be a more clearly defined division between physical and non-physical than what I believe exists between the various non-physical ranges.

    I do NOT believe that these higher frequencies are presided over by a single, anthropomorphic deific entity (a "God" as such) but rather by entire united collectives of the higher frequency entities.  (There DOES seem to be a singular creative force, but it is never described as having an individual, self-aware conscious identity nor conscious awareness at all as we know it, and never described as claiming or exerting any kind of authority.)

    I belive that Christianity's Jesus DID exist, but ascribe absolutely NO religious signicance to his existence.  He was nothing more - or less - than one of (if not THE) most spiritually advanced (highest frequenct range) entities to encarnate onto earth up to that point in time.  


    Hundreds upon hundreds of accounts by hypnotized subjects as to what they encountered in the periods between dying out of one life and being born into the next, as well as accounts of the classic "Near Death Experiences" (although the latter are not as complete nor as informative because they are from a limited viewpooint that is still anchored to our physical bandwidth).

    Occasional references to frequencies and energy equations (which my educational limits do not necessarily allow me to understand) and some of my own speculations relating quantum physics to "spirituality".

    The fact that when all this is put together, it makes more sense and answers more once-thought-to-be-unanswerable questions than ANY of the handy-dandy already pre-packaged philosophies I have thus far encountered.

    Plainly and simply, it is the picture that emerges from all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle I have found and assembled SO FAR.  

    But it is a work-in-progress that will not be finished till I exhale my last breath and there will STILL be untold billions (or more) UNanswered questions left for every ONE that I even imagine I might have found a possible answer to.

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