
What do you believe it means to be creative?

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I have been assigned a paper about what I think it means to be creative. I have my own opinions and ideas, but this really sparked my interest. So, what do you think it means to be creative?




  1. I think it means to have your own ideas on things.....think outside the box.....but your own twist on the normal things....don't be a copycat

  2. i think it expressing your own ideas no matter what any body feal or says about it.

  3. If Somebody's imagination come's true it's creative

  4. Being creative means wanting to draw an old brick wall. It means wanting to write a thousand answers to every question tonight.  It means letting your mind soar whilst having your typing fingers keep up with your thoughts.

  5. imagination is the source of creation,

    dont contradict what you imagine with the possibilities of reality only then you would be referred as creative.

    thomas edison

    albert einstein

    da vinci

    if you call them creators then they had one h**l of an imagination

  6. To me it means:

    "You cant see in a NEW direction by looking harder in the SAME direction"

    Anything that takes a 'new view', a creative 'twist' or shows originality - gives birth to a new thing.. so .. creates and is "creative"

  7. Having the ability or power to create...

    Characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative...

    My soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which reason and judgment wage war against passion and appetite For self is a sea boundless and measureless Therefore let one’s soul exalt reason to the height of passion, that it may sing; and let it direct one’s passion with reason, that passion may live through its own daily resurrection, and like the phoenix rise above one’s own ashes.

    this is how i am creative...

  8. To be innovative ; to make ; to be original; expressing newness

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