
What do you believe makes a civilization, a civilization?

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What traits help a civilization rise. What about the 5 original traits? What do you think about those? Do you think those are fair? Give me your opinions.




  1. "Civilization" to me means a large-scale society with agriculture, an artistic class and some kind of major construction (a city, monuments, irrigation).

  2. A civilization is judged by how it treats its oldest and youngest citizens.  How do we stack up? We abort our babies and dis respect our old folks.

  3. It all started with farming, and developing stored food, around a fresh water source...

    Without that, Hunter/Gatherers could not remain in one place!

    Humans watched hoofed animals graze on wild grasses for thousands of years. Finally, at the end of the last Ice Age, when wild game had diminished, around 10,000 years ago, a few humans tried to plant some of the grass seeds, which ultimately gave rise to the making of bread...

    From Bread came Beer, and by 5,000 years ago, in Mesopotamia & Egypt, One day's Bread & Beer was the standard wage, for one day's work...

    Civilizations led to advanced irrigation practices, architecture, engineering and sanitation as well...

    City life, even contributed to the successful mutation of Blood Type "A", which has an improved immune response for people who live in close quarters...

  4. Civilization is an illusion which exists by mutual agreement only.

    Criminals threaten the existence of this illusion, and therefore should be removed from society to a place where they cannot remain a threat.

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