
What do you believe was the REAL Russian Revolution - Feb or Oct?

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I have a historiography SAC in a few days, and I was wondering about your opinion on the Russian Revolution.

Do you believe that October was a Coup d'etat or a the Real revolution? Or was it the February Revolution the Real Revolution?

Any answers appreciated!

Thanks again!

Kindest Regards,





  1. I would say the October because it was more successful in the end, the government lasted until 1991.  

  2. The February event was in fact the Coup D'Etat while October event was the actual revolution.  In February, a group of people took out the Czar Nicholas and replaced the monarchy with a different political group.  Since this group didn't do much to help the people of the land, the October Revolution replaced this interim government with the Communist political party with Lenin in its head.  The monarchy had been in power for such a great amount of time that no one would ever have dreamed that it would be possible to dethrone them; therefore making it the actual coup d'etat.  Whereas the October Revolution is more considered as a national struggle and when it replaced the interim political party, that interim party had never really become a strong firm power so it was fairly easy to take over.  Hope it helps and best of luck.  If you are asked if this October Revolution marks the fulfillment of Marx's revolutionary ideas, it didn't.  Marx's revolution was of the proletariat, whereas the October revolution was formed of farmers and even army men themselves.  

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