
What do you believe will happen when oil runs out?

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What do you believe will happen when oil runs out?




  1. Atomic energy will replace it.

  2. No more war and no more depressive episodes at the fuel pump. There will be a new source for fuel.

  3. We will never run out.  As a geologist, I understand that there are some deposits that are not viable.  It may become much more difficult to extract at todays prices at some time.  Eventually, the price to extract will make the remaining oil too expensive and it will be left in the ground.  I think we have enough oil for at least a thousand years.  The predictions of running out have been going on since the 1880s when it was first drilled for use as fuel.

  4. well hopefully long before that happens we have developed some other way to run car and everything else that takes oil.

  5. We will just move to hydrogen based vehicles,    And use water for fuel.   Also solar energy.  The technology is here now.

    We could go ahead and do it now were it not for the oil companies.   As soon as they figure out how to charge us for the water and the sunlight, it will be implemented.

  6. Horses will tow cars.

  7. people will start complaining about the cost ethanol

  8. by then we wil have developed new energy technologies so it wont be an issue other than to convert our economy from one to the other.

  9. Someone will say, "the oil ran out."

    There will probably be some form of ceremony.

    And the skeptics will argue there is more oil somewhere.

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