
What do you believe your purpose is here on earth and at what age did you determine what it was?

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If you don't know what your purpose is, are you searching for it and do you feel sad? How did you figure it out?




  1. I'm still trying to figure it out exactly, but I think people put too much emphasis on this question and answer.  I think my overall purpose is to live the best life I can, be kind to people, make an impression on the lives of others and just be an overall good person.  If more people thought of  their "purpose" as that I think we'd live in a much better world.

  2. I think the purpose of humanity is to perpetuate life.  There are many individual ways to do this.  

    My purpose is to be of service, (at work and at home) thus making life easier for others while providing me with means to support my child (another way of perpetuating life).   I figured it out at age 40 or so.  

  3. I found my purpose this year when i let Jesus in my heart. My life has went from nothing to something worth living. God like us to help people.He likes us to love with all the love he gives. Love is the key to a meaningful life.Give God a shot and see for yourself my friend.

  4. I found my purpose 9 months ago.  My twin girls.  I now know what I have been missing all of my life.

  5. Man's purpose is to serve God.  I don't recall at what age I learned that.

  6. 1 John 11;

    This is the message you heard from the beginning; We should love one another.

    1 John 19:

    This is how we know what love is; Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

    And we ought to lay down our lives down for others.

    1 John 17:

    If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be on him?

    1 John 18:

    Dear children let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in the truth.

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