
What do you belive is the single most important piece of hockey equipment?

by Guest45390  |  earlier

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What do you belive is the single most important piece of hockey equipment?




  1. ^ As above - the cups - both Peter and Stanley!

  2. Hockey stick.

    Can't really play hockey without that.

  3. If your talking about equipment that you put on I'd say knee pads. I say knee pads because I don't think that stick or cup is really considered equipment. If you have ever played hockey you know what I'm talking about. With all the checks, hits and trips you probably wouldn''t have knees with knee pads and trust me just a little fall on the ice KILLS YOUR KNEES with no pads.

  4. the puck because without it you can't play. it can't be the sticks because if you had hockey sticks and no puck what would you push along the ice and score with? you could find other things to push the puck with other than sticks...

  5. The puck.

  6. For guys = The cup

    For girls = The helmet.

  7. Hmmmm.You can't glide acrosss the ice without skates,and  you can't hit the puck without a stick, I would say those are the 2 most important pieces. You can still play without anything else. The rest is just for safety & comfort.

  8. The cup. Any guy who has been knocked in the gonads can attest to that fact.

  9. El Helmeto.

    (Helmet in spanish)


  10. the sticks!

    as kids, if you have hockey sticks, you can play.

    therefore, the single most important piece of hockey equipment.

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