
What do you berfore a theater performance?

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What do you berfore a theater performance?




  1. Listen to music and run through lines in a light manner...I try not to stress out. I drink tea and lots of water and get incostume.

  2. Well I assume you mean before call.  I usually take a nap, eat a high carb meal and maybe drink some coffee or something.  Although I am a stage manager so I would not recommend the coffee if you were an actor.

    I do whatever it takes to keep me alert and ready for the show.

  3. 2 hours before curtain: I arrive at the theatre two hours before the show is set to start and prepare anything I need- plug in curlers, gather my costumes peices, sign in, set costumes and personal props for quick changes, etc.- before everyone else arrives and it gets crazy.

    1 3/4 hours: Then, I go out onstage and warm up my voice- something about my feet being in contact with the stage really gives me energy. I do tongue twisters and deep breathing exercises and, if it's a show that incorporates dance, I start stretching right away and continue stretching throughout preparation. I start thinking like my character.

    1 1/4 hours: up to the green room and do my makeup, saving anything intricate or that could be drastically smudged for later, and put curlers in my hair if needed. By this time, the cast has arrived in entirety and is also in hair and makeup.  

    1 hour: I finish doing my hair and take some time to relax by flipping through the script, drinking herbal tea (through a straw!), chatting with fellow performers, helping with makeup, taking silly pictures. I don't like running lines. If you don't know it now, you won't know it out there- unless you and another actor warm up together (for example, a costar and I would always run a little dialogue).

    45 minutes: we have a group warm-up with silly games and the like onstage to get energy flowing (form potato, the energy ball, zip-zap-zop, run through choreo for a song) on the stage. We go back to the green room before the house opens and the director usually gives us a pep talk. That's when I start getting into character in earnest.

    30 minutes: I change out of my sweats and into costume and check my props one last time, put the finishing touches on my makeup, and get to places early so that I can do more breathing excercises and stretching. Usually we take silly pictures as our characters to kill time and get into character.

    5 minutes/places: This is when it really gets down to crunch time and everyone realizes something they forgot. For luck, the last thing I do is spray more hairspray in my hair. When the SM calls 5 minutes, it's usually more like 15 minutes, so I try not to stress out too much :)

  4. About one to two hours before the performance, I warm up my voice for singing and stretch my body for dancing. Then I practice my part about five times, that way I don't get too worn out but I still get the practice in. After that, I get dressed. Then I join the group that I will be performing with, and we go over anything we need to before we begin!

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