
What do you bring camping if you don't like the outdoors?

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For school we have to go on a camping trips and stay in cabins. I hate the outdoors and don't like bugs or other forest creatures. What should I bring? I was thinking bug spray or something.




  1. cabins? that's not even camping. bring a book. maybe that way, you'll at least learn something.

  2. CD's, Books, Games. But if you go outside and look around I bet you will see something you will enjoy. Give it a try.

  3. Besides sitting inside an RV with satellite internet and air-con, let's imagine you're camping in a tent but want to avoid it all.

    The first thing to avoid is the heat and the cold. You'll have to wear lightweight comfortable clothing during the day that covers your entire body, topped with a sun hat and the darkest sunglasses you can find. Otherwise you're risking sunburn, dirt and sweating.

    For the mornings and evenings you'll want a huge insulated jacket, long johns or thick fleece pants, mittens, and a wooly hat. Dress as if you're going skiing because being cold is no fun.

    To keep the bugs off, bug spray is a must. But that stuff is nasty and just the smell makes me ill so you'd want to wipe it off before bed.

    For dirt, you'll want to avoid it, so bring a chair, bring wipes for your hands and face, wear socks and tennis shoes, not sandals, and try not to sweat. Changes of clothes will do wonders, and always sleep in a different set of clothes than you wore around all day.

    Inside the tent could be your home away from home if you have a huge inflatable mattress, sheets, pillows, and some kind of thick blankets or sleeping bag. You could escape into a book or your iPod or mini-DVD player. During the day the tent will be hot so be sure you park it in the shade or have your pops or bf rig a plastic tarp a couple feet above the tent which will keep the sun off and the temps down. No way you want to share a tent with someone unless they have the same attitude otherwise you're inviting in dirt and bugs.

    And if you're in the tent you don't need to worry about bugs or bug spray, dirt and wind will stay outside and looking through the window will be like watching the Discovery Channel in bed at home.

  4. I'm with you on that one hun...I'd bring an RV with all the techs!

  5. A pair of testicles.

  6. bug spray, mosquito net, good book and relaxation. Maybe a whistle incase you get lost so people can hear you. TP, socks and underware you can never have enough

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