
What do you buy a 7 yr old for there Bday when mentally they are going on 30?

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What do you buy a 7 yr old for there Bday when mentally they are going on 30?




  1. rubic's cube

  2. Rubik's cube

  3. this website has a look of interesting things if you would like to order on-line, or fry's electronics has some cool things too, if you have one in your area.

  4. a gift card for target or something

  5. How about a microscope with slides?

  6. Spend the money to put him in an art class, or lego construction class, or something with sports.  Take him camping or fishing.  Some kids just aren't into toys and it probably isn't a good idea to buy him a video game or something made for older people.  Get him out to socialize with other kids.

  7. Books are always a good answer. Or how about a telescope? Astronomy at that age is really interesting. It really depends what kind of "grown-up" stuff the kid is interested in. But generally, you can't go wrong with books. Just choose some on a topic they like. Or how about Legos or other connecting toys like them? They really help develop imagination and they're fun for people of all ages. You might have a budding engineer or architect on your hands, in which case, they'd love to build stuff! (and Legos aren't just for boys. I loved Legos when I was a kid and my husband and I still like them!)

  8. some movies they may enjoy watching, tv series on dvd

    CLUE i love that game lol

  9. Books! or a gift certificate for the book store.

  10. how is that even possible?

  11. therapy!

    You should get the kid something that encourages them to enjoy childhood.  People rush kids into growing up too fast.

    You may want to find out why this child is growing up too fast.  It could be neglect or abuse.

  12. A cell phone or MP3 player

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