
What do you buy a guy who has everything???

by  |  earlier

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I work for a Croation Family-Owned company and we're having a 50th birthday party for my boss!! The man has everything, and what he doesn't have....he can afford himself!!! I'm tight on money and need some ideas on what to get him!!! Please help...the part is this Saturday!!!




  1. a once in a life time thing... like lessons for something he's interested in (my uncle got to go JCB racing for his bday), so something like that might be good :)

  2. trust me on this one i know how you feel, my Dad is the same way... it helps if you know what kind of hobbies he has... like for instance, my Dad likes to go four wheeling on 5 hr trips with buddies so we buy him things that he can take along on these trips like a small enough ax, a nice lighter, etc... or give him a gift card to a place he likes to buy his hobby stuff (or other stuff)... but if you don't really know him that well... I can't really help you on those kind of details

  3. Gift card to his favorite restaurant or a movie theater gift card.

  4. a gag gift

  5. Why on earth do you, who are tight on money, want to buy a gift for someone who necessarily exploits you? Oh well, never mind... Give him a good book if he likes to read. Give him a nice lighter if he smokes. Give him a nice, fashionable tie if he wears ties. See where I'm getting at? You don't have to buy him something too expensive, just something that may please him and a gift is a gift.

  6. a way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

  7. Get him a gift certificate to a good restaurant; find out what some of his favorite foods are and try to get him a certificate to one of these type restaurants.   Even in a dollar amount of $10 or $15, it should be well appreciated!

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