
What do you buy most often?

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What is the most common purchase that you make on eBay? Mine has to be clothes! It's addicting. I'm starting to sell on there as well and I was hoping to get some ideas on what you look for when you go on eBay?




  1. DVD's

  2. For me it's Nintendo games, rare books, and DVDs.

  3. I buy your mama on eBay, saw her there several times and won her on tons of bids haha.  I'm just kidding.  *coughs look for your mom.  Enough of my retarded sh*t now haha.  I like to buy Air Jordans from eBay and clothes too, i feel you yeah it's addicting and ima dude haha.  Hope I helped and gave you a good laugh.

  4. Most of my eBay purchases have been books.  I generally do not order books that do not claim to be in very good to excellent condition.  I also look for a positive evaluation from other purchasers.  My son routinely buys electronics and music related items on eBay.  He looks for detailed descriptions and photos that show all angles of the item.  If the description about function or condition is vague, he does not bid on the item.  He also doesn't like to buy if the photos seem to be hiding some a trash can next to a set of speakers obscuring the view of the side. It could have hidden some sort of damage.  I don't often buy things but I do use eBay to look for ideas for all sorts of things. For example I was given some dishes and wanted to know an approximate value of the gift.  I looked for similar dishes on eBay.  My husband bought me a matching piece for the gift set on eBay, but since it was a surprise, I don't really know what his process was.

  5. I buy some stamps, and lately have purchased a lot of coins.  If you would find that you have any laying around ( or other items for that matter ) ebay would be a good place to sell them.

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