
What do you buy pre K teachers and their assistants for christmas?

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What do you buy pre K teachers and their assistants for christmas?




  1. I think it's cute to make homemade gifts with your child for their teachers. You could make picture frames, magnets, decorations, etc. If you go to any craft store, you can even buy little kits to make things. Foam craft projects are usually really easy and fun for little kids to make. Your kid will love to help make the gift and I think the teachers will cherish it more than a store bought gift that will likely end up at a garage sale or closet anyways.

  2. Well I always enjoy getting gift certificates - to winners or chapters whatever.  I also appreciate good chocolates.  But the most important thing to me is the cards I get with the nice words - they mean more to me than any gift!

  3. I have been in the teaching field for over 20 years and the things that I treasure most are the little Christmas ornaments that the children have given me.  Some have been hand made by the children and some have been store bought.  I always label the gift with the child's name and date it was given.  Every Christmas when I decorate my tree, I look back over the many years and I remember each child and smile.

  4. when i was younger my mom got a green, glass apple. maybe you could get some teacher supplies and put it in a neat little basket. ex. tissues, colored paper, chalk/dry erase markers, anything you think a teacher would need in a cool christmas basket.

  5. A pretty scented candle.   (Yankee, as they are lead free)

  6. If you live in Canada buy them tim hortons gift cards!

    Or gift cards to teaching/craft supply stores :)

  7. A great gift for a teacher is a gift certificate. Ex. Target, Starbucks, or the mall!

  8. I have taught preschool for 18 years - the best gift (seriously) is a note stating how much you appreciate our time, our program, how much your children have learned or what they enjoy the most. At the end of the year once, a parent asked their child what their favorite activity was, what their favorite song, etc.  Then the child illustrated it - I LOVED it!  Other ideas or things for the classroom such as supplies or gift cards.  Anything is appreciated but trust me, we get a million candles and smellies!!

  9. Soaps, Lotions, or gift certificates.

  10. lm a nursery teacher..and dont have to buy anything!! butttttttttt smellies are always

  11. How about a gift card, their jobs dont pay as much as everyone thinks.

  12. I always buy a Yankee Macintosh scented candle or tart warmer with tarts for my kids teachers.

  13. We usually give out sets of antibacterial soaps form Bath & Body Works.  They are $3 right now.  We usually give three soaps and three matching purse size antibacterial gels.

  14. anything without an apple on it, gift certificates are best.

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