
What do you call a 9 year old bridal attendant?

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My cousin wants me to ask around for advice about her wedding program, any suggestions would be appreciated.

We need some help. I am designing Kara's wedding programs and have come to a problem. Their only attendants are adults. Ty is the ring bearer. Maddie is the flower girl and is wearing a white dress.

Emily is wearing a beautiful red gown. Here's the problem...what is she called? We have not been able to find anything on the internet about this. Being that she is only 9, we don't think Maid of Honor suits her. She isn't really a Jr. Bridesmaid because there aren't any adult bridesmaids. I know girls ages 9 - 14 are typically called Jr. Bridesmaids, but without other ones and no maid of honor, it just doesn't seem appropriate.

So what should we call her??? We thought about Maiden of Honor, Lady-in-waiting, Honor attendant. We just don't know what to call her. I suggested Little Princess!!! LOL

So, what are your all's thoughts?

Thank you!!!




  1. Jr.Bride or Jr.Bridesmaid

  2. I think even without any adult BM's, she would still be called a Junior Bridesmaid.  But that being said, y'all are more than welcome to call her whatever you may like.  Try asking her what name she likes best.  Weddings are so fun these days.. you don't have all the uptight rules that they used to have. Have fun with her name and call her whatever you think fits best!  

  3. Maiden of Honor is a great name!!! Cute idea!

  4. since shes nine any name the bride likes will do.

    Jr. Brides maid can be used even if there are no bride maids.  Its due to age, not position really.

    Bridal attendantnt works fine!

  5. At 9, I'd still call her a junior bridesmaid.  If your friend doesn't like that, she can call her a bridesmaid.  I think Little Princess is a bit much...this is a wedding, not a fairy tale.

  6. Bridesmaid is the correct term, and there's no reason you shouldn't use it unless you want to.

    Little Princess sounds a bit overdone, however.

    But if your family loves cute names etc, it would be fine.

    Best wishes :-)

  7. i say maid of honor!

    good luck with you soon to be FABULOUS wedding!!!!

    :) ;)

  8. Just call her a bridesmaid.  Leave it at that.  No need to think up anything cute.

  9. MAID OF HONOR definitely that would be great for here

  10. That's odd, because she's just the right age for a flower girl.

    I would just go with bridesmaid. Don't try dream up anything fancy.

    Remind your friend that she will need adult witnesses to sign the document - a nine year old attendant can't do it...

  11. junior bridesmaid

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