
What do you call a bet with 7 horses and how many bets involved ? cheers P?

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What do you call a bet with 7 horses and how many bets involved ? cheers P?




  1. it is a QUINIELA WHEEL, you bet 1 horse and wheel the other six with it, so on a $2.oo bet it would cost you $12.oo

  2. Super Heinz

  3. UKOK makes the main point here you need to do some maths and research if you're looking at this type of bet.

    Work out what your return would be if just two horses of the seven won.Will it cover your stake?

    If just one of the seven loses that wipes a huge amount out probably more than half the 120 bets.

    Also bear in mind that bookies have a maximum payout so even if you did get a huge payout it could be limited.(but you probably wouldn't care by then)

    These bets are known as 'bookies bets' for good reason.

    Be wary of anything you see promoted in a betting shop.

  4. The actual answer to your question is . It depends, how many bets do you want from your 7 selections; do you want every combination (ie super heinz) or do you want just trebles, each way acc, just 5's and 6's etc, for a check on the mutliples involved

  5. It has to be a super Heinz ...but I dunno how many bets there are, sorry. Here's a link though that will help you calculate all your winnings.. Any tips?

    Good Call Pebbles ... I knew it had way too many bets for my measly stakes lol

  6. Super Heinz Bet

    A Super Heinz consists of 120 bets involving 7 selections in different events, i.e. 21 doubles, 35 trebles, 35 four-folds, 21 five-folds, 7 six-folds and 1 seven-fold. A minimum of 2 of your selections must be successful to get a return.

  7. Its called a Super Heinz and has 120 bets in it , the heinz has 57 bets with 6 horses hence the name

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