
What do you call a gathering of apes?

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What do you call a gathering of apes?




  1. The White House?

  2. A basket ball game?

  3. A family reunion.

  4. A McCann  booze up.

  5. A group of apes in the wild is called a troup and in Washington D.C. is called congress.

  6. I think there may be a bit of confusion between apes and monkeys here.  Monkey groupings are called troops.  I believe apes are referred to as bands. Other terms that have been used for various species are tribe and clan.

    Monkeys have tails, apes do not.  Apes are much closer on the tree (no pun intended) to humans than are monkeys.

  7. a bananarama?

    Or a troop. I preffer bananarama.

  8. a parrrrty

  9. parliament

  10. I don't think your question was meant to elicit a lot of humorous responses.  Did you mean what do you call a group of apes?  Like a flock of sheep, or a gaggle of geese -- that sort of thing?  Gosh, I honestly don't know, but some of the answers were pretty funny.  I liked "bananarama" (Can't say this no-nonsense person doesn't have a sense of humor, although mine seldom shows on here.)  I don't know if the dictionary would help to define an aggregate of primates, but you might consult it, or the library, or even a website.  Sorry, I couldn't be of more help.  But if I may, here's my contribution to the funny aspect:  How about "Monkeyshiners"?

  11. A group of monkeys are known as a tribe of monkeys.

    A tribe of gorillas, perhaps?

  12. a shrewdness of apes

  13. a group of pissed men in a pub! lol

  14. Congress?

  15. What do you call a gathering of apes? I'd say a gathering of apes!

    Wow gimi another bananna and I'll answer another...

    I suppose if the gathering of apes just had one bananna then would it be WWF Fight Night for a Bananna? Or even the B Team? Or how about if the apes were on heat cause the hint is in ape too. R..ape and they do eat g-r- apes too so my final answer is Apes Rape a Grape gang team.

  16. Apes in groups are called "CLANS"

  17. If it's a very large gathering, I suppose it could be...planet of the apes!

  18. I might call it a mob or a court.

  19. lads night out, usually friday!

  20. pub night

  21. it varies depending on the particular species

  22. Ooo, Ooo, Oooo, Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhhh

  23. Troop or a shrewdness.

  24. A shrewdness of apes.

  25. weightwatchers

  26. A rap concert...

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