
What do you call a group of aircrafts?

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What do you call a group of aircrafts?




  1. THERE IS NO "S" ON THE END OF AIRCRAFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET IT RIGHT PEOPLE!!!

  2. In civil aviation, the only term I have heard is a "Flight", unless they were not purposly flying together and then we call it a "near miss"

  3. A herd of aircrafts, I should know (but obviously don't) as I was in the RAF for nine years! as an aircraft engine fitter!!

    Some idiots out there can't see a joke

  4. that could have been answered with a google just lost four points mate?

    anywho, squadron is four planes or more, flight is a single craft.

  5. The plural of Aircraft, is Aircraft!

  6. The plural of "aircraft" is "aircraft."

    The word for a group of airplanes depends on how many there are and whether they are civilian or military, modern or old, good guys or bad guys.  You have to get it from the context.








  7. Fleet

  8. A  Wing of bombers or fighters,a flight ,or formation ,of aircraft,a squadron of aircraft.fighter or bomber group,all these terms are used to refer to different groups of aircraft under differing conditions.

  9. A flock.


  10. a squadron. when it comes to military aircraft.

  11. We always called them " a pile of airplanes".

  12. formation.

  13. Formation?

  14. Squadron (military)

    Fleet (civil)

  15. And a bad formation is a "gaggle".

  16. Civil aeroplanes = Fleet.

    Military Aeroplanes:-

    a few aeroplanes (about 3-5) = Flight

    several Flights (about 4-8) = Squadron.

    Several squadrons = Wing (not often used since WW2)

    several Wings = Group (not often used since WW2).

    These are reflected in the names of the RAF ranks.

  17. thats an easy way to earn 2 points spitfire i think it may be a squadron

  18. It depends.  A group of aircraft flying together is a formation, while the whole group on the ground and based at a particular airfield is usually a squadron.  Check out the website source for more information.

  19. Aeroplanes.

  20. Groups, Wings, Squadrons, Flights.  Kinda depends upon how many.

  21. A Fleet.

  22. can be called a FLIGHT  like  FLIGHT 19

    OR a cluster, and sometimes called a group

  23. as previous answer..word is can be squadron (military) or fleet

  24. There are 2 words:

    - In commercial aircraft (eg. Airliners, Boeing 747) it would be fleet.

    - In Military Terms it would be a squadron

  25. AI. Think this term 'A.i' is used in traffic control. Can't remember its abrv. Certainly not Artificial intelligence.

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