
What do you call a person that NEVER smiles?

by  |  earlier

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Don't you find it rather odd to see someone who has never smiled all their life?




  1. I would call them a sad-case.  Avoid them like the plague.  Depressives bring everyone around them down.  Life is to hard and short not to spend it having fun and being happy.

  2. Stiff, stick in the mud, sad sack, grouch, grumpy bear, depressed, shy :)

  3. Soul-less.

  4. A sourpuss.  Although the last person to use that word was my third-grade teacher.

  5. A very sad person.

  6. paralyzed , or dead

  7. Victor Meldrew's twin;

    A miserable (or grumpy) old sod;


    A girner;

    A whinger.

  8. Some unfortunate people are physically incapable of smiling if, for example, they have myesthenia gravis. It doesn't mean they are unhappy, just their muscles fatigue extremely rapidly. There are other conditions as well but I forget their names.

  9. Well how do you know it's all their lives they never smile..? unless you are a member of their family.. if they haven't smiled in a long time I would guess they suffer from depression or anxiety or even financial worries or are in pain..  and don't  want to admit it... or they can't get over the death of someone in their family.. or they have h**l at home.. a girl might have gone through a traumatic experence such as rape.. then those people need councelling... that would explain why they don't smile.. maybe they have a drunken partner or father or mother.. or there is domestic abuse.. verbal abuse.. that can make a person not smile ... something drastic may be only know if you are with them every day from the day they were born until now if they were like that always.. if not.. then any of the above possibilities might explain it... that is not an abnormal condition because under such circumstances nobody could smile unless they get help... and councelling.. .xx

  10. Depressed or understimulated

  11. dr house

  12. A stoic

  13. a robot lol

  14. A little odd.

  15. Victoria Beckham.

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