
What do you call a person who doesn't eat meat right, but does eat fish and Shell fish?

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Is that a stupid question? ahahah well Maybe i just dont eat meat... (other then sea food) I still eat shrimp and salmon and tuna Maybe try other fish too, but thats it.




  1. i'd call them wannabe.

  2. i like to make up silly words so how about "Fishella"?

  3. well your question cancels its self out you say you don't eat meat but you eat sea food and fish which is meat

  4. pescetarian.

  5. A pescetarian, which is a type of omnivore. Is a common misconception to believe that it is a type of vegetarian.

  6. Vegitarians seem to flip out with any quesiton related to this... some people and mainstream vegitarian authorities call a Pescetarian a type of Vegitarian, some don't, saying that its a different diet choice, not true to vegitarianism.

    some call themselves pesco-vegetarians, but its much easier for Pescetarians to call themselves veigitarians so that they get the point across to non-vegitarians without having to explain Pescetarianism.

  7. Pescetarian.  Or omnivore.

    Anything but vegetarian, please.

  8. Pescatarian. People who eat fish and/or seafood are not vegetarians.

  9. Pescetarian

  10. Presbyterian

  11. Some such people call themselves "pescetarians" or "believers of fish", but they are in no way vegetarians.

  12. An omnivore.  It's not any type of vegetarian.

  13. So they do eat meat, but they don't eat 'meat right', they eat meat wrong and in addition they eat fish and shell fish? I would call them a person who eats normal, except they don't know how to eat meat right.  Athough personally, I did not know there was a right and wrong way or that the person would need a special name because of it. LOL i'm joking because of the way you worded your question. sorry. it's late and i am truly bored, so i could not resist.

  14. A person who does not eat meat other than fish and seafood is called a:


    what that person is not called is a vegtarian

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