
What do you call a person who shows that he/she is your friend in public...but he/she is ?

by  |  earlier

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cold, emotionally unavailable, or unfriendly when you are alone?




  1. alien!

  2. Two faced.

  3. unfriendly when you are alone

  4. Not a true friend; If that person is being rude and not treating you nicely in private then you don't need them, especially if they put on an act in public.

    It's not worth it,and you could probably do better off without them.  

  5. an aloof friend..

  6. yea two-faced

    go find someone else

  7. friend in public

  8. Someone that you should ignore totally in public and in private . He/she sounds more like an enemy than a friend .

  9. Its not a personality type, rather the situation type. I am very protective of many people outwardly who have inspired anger within.

    Some inadvertently become victims of a given situation, and although you can be forgiving, the anger within prohibits reconciliation.

  10. A stranger.

    Someone whom you don't need.

  11. Hypocrite.

  12. He is not friend first of all.....

    U call him anything its up to you....

    Better dnt be with him any more...

  13. drama king/queen. u shud stay away from tis kind of ppl cos they're only putting on an act of being ur frens for show. they mite have thier own agenda for doin tat but watever the reason, they're not worth being around with.  

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