
What do you call an English man?

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What do you call an English man at Twickers carrying a bottle of champagne ...WAITER




  1. HAHAHAH !

    Rock on wales

  2. James, are you looking for g*y p**n in the rugby section?

  3. You Welshies dont drink Champagne.  You're all fuking unemployed.

  4. Iechyd da, bob Cymru!

    Twll dîn pob Sais!

  5. Thanks for the c**p joke its just a shame that i dont like England , well not a shame, more of an irony

  6. We do James, thanks for the joke Angela. Thanks Serenity, and to the Irish team

  7. Iechyd Da pob Cymro Twll tin bob Sais

    Well done Wales, Da iawn i Gymru roeddwn yn haeddu ennill y gem yna

    We deserved to win that game

    26 - 19 CYMRU AM BYTH

  8. were you watching the same game as us, Wales were c**p first half, and England outplayed them, then for some reason second half and England imploded on themselves. I was ashamed to watch the last few minutes.

  9. LMAO:))

    James and ukcuff................feck off you tw@ts!

    It's only a frigging game.................and it a bl00dy fine one today at that!

  10. Shame no one here cares a fig about rugby.

    A pack of inbred mutants running around grappling with each other in sweaty clinches. It's g*y p**n.

  11. lmfao! nice work.

    And as for the the englishman who felt it nessasary to put in his two sence, well... well i dont think its right to embarrase you anymore than your team aready has.

  12. Just remember that the only reason your country has any independance at all is because England lets you so we don't look like an evil dictatorship to the rest of the world.

  13. James in the rugby section cares about rugby???

    Just because you got stuffed.!!!

    justfeki...All I can say is... "Thank God for Snowdon"

    It kills dozens of you b******s every year.

  14. Poor sod, what a waste of Champers.

  15. hahahahahahahahaha-awesome

  16. good game for wales. As for the comment from james, if you don't like rugby why even answer the question.

  17. Well done Wales..!!!


  18. What do you call a Welsh man anywhere with Champagne - thief

  19. Honestly, i'm trembling like a Welshman at a sheep farm after that remark.

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