
What do you call giving birth to a ginger?

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  1. Why is there a hate for people with ginger hair - it's a natural thing that's been around for millions of years?!

    I'm not ginger but my best mate is and I think she looks great - ginger/red hair is one of the most amazing hair colours you can have - in my opinion, anyway!

    You can give me as many thumbs down as you like but my opinion isn't gonna change!

  2. Well dude I thought that was ******* hilarious bro

    Star 4 U            *


  3. sunrise

  4. Not even funny. Redheads are gorgeous.

  5. not funny - u gingerist

    from, natural strawberry blonde

    and yes rude Bevad - strawberry blonde is a light ginger colour, which is why im offended!! DUH!!

    if you look anything like your avatar, i must just say, at least i have hair.

    you lot are just jealous...............

    Katherine :).... obviously you dont read questions or answers properly or you would see that im not in denial, just sticking up for my fellow gingers

  6. The first person is offended what you said about gingers.  Yet she is 'strawberry blonde' which is f*cking ginger in my book!

    I would just call it a great sin in all honesty....

  7. that was very funny :)

  8. Well I am a red head feel sorry for you people who are obviously so jealous of our colour

  9. "strawberry blonde" is actually a ginger in denyal :P

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