
What do you call it when a person only reads about disabilities?

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That is all the person reads about and that is all. I do this. I read only about disabilities. I also been doing this since 2001.

Have you heard of someone that only interested in reading about this only.




  1. someone who is interested i that weird world!?

  2. People read about subjects that are interesting to them.  That's natural and normal.  Some people are interested in lots of different things, and other people have a more narrow focus of interest.

    I am a special education teacher, and I also have a sister and a nephew with developmental disabilities.  I love my work and my family, and I read a LOT about disabilities.

    I also love gardening, poultry, dogs, literature, hiking, and the environment.   So  I read books in these categories, too.  But at different times in my life, I have concentrated on one particular topic, because it was especially meaningful to me.  So I would not be concerned if someone prefers to read only about a topic that is especially meaningful to them, as long as their focus was not so narrow that they could not function in their daily life.

  3. some sort of doctor?!! =]

    sorry no idea.

  4. NO. But I knew this girl who only wanted to read about rape and incest, so u have ur preferences, that is what is interesting to u.

  5. A thoughtful person.

    Most wouldn't be bothered.

    I also find things like that interesting...

  6. a r****d!

  7. Depending on your personal intersts, it could be seen as normal or a obsession.

  8. Maybe you should work with people with disabilities since you are interested in all subjects.

  9. He is probably interested.  What do you read about?

  10. A fettish I quess. Maybe a hobby.

  11. I call it passionate. There's nothing wrong with only reading about one topic....doctors and lawyers do that all the time.

  12. I call that a weirdo! Sounds like a joke, but, no, I would call that person a weirdo. Maybe a 'disability themed literature fetishist'. Read something else. Such a fixation is abnormal and probably bad for social / mental health.

  13. People have all kinds of interests; I know of someone who read only books about wars, another person who read cookbooks but rarely cooked. Someone I know only watched movies and never read, another read only poetry by a hand full of writers.

    So there really is no label to put upon yourself, to call yourself something. It seems a trifle obsessive to me but not abnormal or out of the ordinary.

  14. A disability in itself.

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