
What do you call it when you punch the back of someone's head?

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It's not a Rabbit Punch, because that is hitting the neck, right? Is it just as dangerous as a Rabbit Punch?




  1. a sucka punch, cuase you a sucka. Probably more dangerous than hitting the neck, because with the neck you can make them lose breath but to the back of the head you can cause skull fracture/make them go into a coma.

  2. A rabbit punch can be to the back of the head or the back of the neck. The main thing I call it is extremly dangerous. this is why it is outlawed in every fighting sport there is.

  3. it is called a rabbit punch.


    that is traditionally the method used and manner of striking a rabbit (back of its neck) to snap its neck.

    or if you are female and into it then the donkey punch is another one, but its typically not struck on the neck, its the back of the head while your parnter is in a rear entry position.

  4. It is a rabbit punch.  It's the area on the back of your head about 2 inches to the top and sides and all the way below the external occipial protuberance (that bony lump on the back of your head).  

    It's so dangerous because damage there can kill you by damaging the brain stem ( controls breathing, heart rate) or blind you/mess up your vision in the visual cortex.  

    There are many accounts of guys who went temporarily blind from getting hit in the back of the head...not that they couldn't see, but they had no perception of what they were seeing.

  5. A punch to the neck or to the back of the head is called a 'Rabbit Punch'.

  6. painfull,i know a boxer who was knocked out by a punch to the back of his head ,when he came out of the ring he said he had been rabbit punched to the back of his head.

  7. It is called a cheap shot. Usually reserved for cowards.

  8. donkey punch

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