
What do you call kids who get bad grades but are very smart?

by  |  earlier

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Kids that if they chose to apply themselves, they could get straight As easily.




  1. slackers.  

  2. frustrated, maybe

    could be ADHD

    could be they are just rebelling for some reason

    maybe they need counseling

    any number of things could be the reason, and to lable them just one word is not really fair, in my opinion

  3. The term is underachiever./

  4. From the outside looking in: Underachievers

    From the kid's view, looking out: Untapped superstars; the educational system has failed to create a challenging, rewarding, interesting learning experience for such kids

  5. you could call them slack or lazy but what you should really call them are

    Idiots. they are putting their own futures at risk, they are putting themselves down, they are putting everyright reason to get good grades down.

    making them complete idiots.

  6. Kids that need motivation and support.

  7. lazy

  8. Lazy.

  9. slackers

  10. *points to herself*  

  11. Future stoners

  12. lazy and/or in opportunistic. Also shortsighted.  

  13. Idiots

  14. Under achievers.

  15. Rebels. There are more important things in school, and life, than good grades.

  16. slackers. lazy, ur future boss, take ur pick

  17. lazy?, and scared to be all they can be?

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