
What do you call people from Paris?

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What do you call people who come from the city Paris, in France? Are they called Parisians?




  1. Yes, Parisian is correct.

  2. Parisians

  3. Parisians...

  4. Parisiens (in French)

    Parisians (in English)

  5. (a french boy)

    we said in french "Parisiens"  {Par ee zeey ain}  for the masculin and "Parisennes" {Par ee zeey ainn}  for the feminin.

    But I`dont know how you call them in english.

    You`re raison to ask this question it`always good do learn.

  6. Parisiens (fem: Parisiennes) if they live within the périphérique (i.e. dépt 75).

    Franciliens (fem: Franciliennes) if they live in the Paris banlieue (suburbs) and Île de France (Paris region).

  7. Parisians or French.

  8. the Parisian's or something spell-ed like it

  9. Parisisans, pronounced pare ee shuns.

  10. Parisian

  11. yes im one myself

  12. Parisiens en frances

    Parisians en engles

  13. Parisiens (male) or Parisiennes (female) in French.

    Parisians in English.

    Parisii in Latin.

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