
What do you call someone that cross the border illegally, the day after amnesty is pass?

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What do you call someone that cross the border illegally, the day after amnesty is pass?





  2. That's not going to happen,shamnesty wont pass. I will keep calling them what I always do....illegal aliens or criminals or illegal invaders.

  3. An illegal alien and a fraud.

  4. If amnesty were to be granted as of a certain date, and the day after someone crossed illegally, they'd be an illegal alien.

    This is precisely what has been happening since amnesty was granted in 1986.

  5. A terrorist. That's why before amnesty could ever be considered we'd have to have our borders secured. If these illegals were smart they'd tell family and friends to cease crossing until the reform passes. Key word smart.

  6. A  future Democrat voter.

  7. That illegal immigration will never end ...............and they have to wait for the next one...

    The last amnesty that was given you had to be here a certain time and proving it ........

    But it's not like you are going to pay rent for them....

    Too many ignorants that have the most idiotic answers....

    in my opinion...

  8. An illegal invader!!!

  9. You call him uncle Jorge! well, you wouldn't, but I would.

  10. ILLEGAL...............Amnesty does not wipe our laws for the entry of immigrants into this Country.  Amnesty gives those a chance who came here illegally, to pay up in fines, go back to their homeland, get in line with those who OBEYED OUR LAWS for immigration, and enter the legal way.

    ILLEGAL is ILLEGAL whichever way you look at it, sorry.

  11. I would call them (inappropriate language)TARD.

  12. An illegal broder crosser

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