
What do you call someone who always needs to be liked? Someone who gets upset if anyone is angry with them?

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I have a friend (actually a neighbor) and if someone in the neighborhood is angry with him (almost never his fault), he feels bad and goes to that person to work it out. While it may sound admirable, it seems silly. Someone got mad at him because they parked in front of his driveway and he asked them to move their car. He was confused why they were mad and next time he saw them, he said "hey can I talk to you for a minute" and said he didn't know why they were angry with him, etc. I told him to tell them to pi$$ off!!! I know it's not a sociopath, but something like that.




  1. sounds a bit more mature than you anyway...

  2. I don't know the actual word for it because it could actually be a few different things. Normal somebody who feels the need to be well liked has low self esteem and feeds off of how others make them feel. It is mature and responsible of him to be willing to work problems out but there will be times when he will have to stand up for himself. If he is unable to do so people will end up using him and he will only feel worse about himself. If this is the case encourage him to talk to trained professional about his problems. If is not then just let him be him or it will only come between your friendship.

  3. a narcissistic jerk

  4. I think it makes sense to keep a good relationship with your neighbors.  If he told them to p*** off, they would probably hold it against him for a long time.  Then if he needs a favor in the future, he couldn't ask them.  They would probably be more likely to complain to the police about noise or make trouble for him in the future.  

    If it was a stranger, then it wouldn't be as important to make peace with them.  In this case, I think your friend did the smart thing.

    I believe the word you're looking for is "sycophant."

  5. Co-dependent, insecure, needy, or plain socially immature.

    Or it's quite possible he might have a condition such as autism or Asperger's syndrome, which is a mild form of autism. In that case, he would have trouble understanding many aspects of "normal" human behaviour. If it worries you, speak to someone who knows him better.

  6. Someone who doesn't have many friends and perhaps has a guilty conscience.

  7. Psychopath


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