
What do you call this/how to break it?

by  |  earlier

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you wake up late, have a ton of things to do , but lie around all day, guilt eats you up still , you seem to not get anything done, have a plan but just don't get to, rather surf the net all day.... what can i do?




  1. That sounds like a lot of stuff going around our head!

    I know what it feels like to over think and have so much going on that you don’t know where to start first to fix things, it’s a horrid feeling, try takeing a step back, picking one area and work from there…

    You can’t change everything right away and knowing that you want to fix things and knowing you are the only one that can change these things is one great big step, so well done.

    Guilt eats you up? It is always best to be honest and the sooner the better......your health and future rides on it literally

    I hope you start to feel better soon..

    take care

  2. Plan your day and include breaks for net surfing.  Its called procrastination.

  3. You seem to be mulling over something that happened that makes you feel guilty....  My suggestion would be to turn the computer off and face your guilt.  Figure out what it is that you're feeling guilty about and make amends for it.  You'll probably feel better after that.  :)

    Good luck!

  4. Perhaps you are severely depressed, causing you to have no energy and get feelings of guilt.

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