
What do you call those dreams where you wake up lurching forward,

by  |  earlier

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like if you have a dream that you fall or something and just before or right when you hit, you wake up moving or shaking.

Do those dreams have a name?

Does it mean anything if you get those all the time?

Because I have about 4 of those a week,

always something like riding a bike and falling off and waking up jumping forward. Just really random stuff like that.




  1. cold sweat

  2. Happens to me sometimes, just don't let it bother you.


  3. Psychologists have the theory that our neurons fire up when we fall in our dreams. I don't know the name. I don't think they came up with it. It's funny how we always wake up and never experience the fall in our dreams. Odd

  4. its called a nightmare

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