
What do you classify as passion or love?

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I am curious about what other people would classify as true love/passion. Please get as heart-felt as you'd like. For you, is it a feeling deep-down in your soul, or a tingling sensation running through your veins? What's love to you?

{And yes there are questions on Yahoo! simular to mine, but please, humor me.}





  1. The sound you get out of a Murciellago when you start it, but ultimately when you put your foot down... lord it's better than s*x.

  2. something where when your stressed or something goes wrong in life and you need something to to give you inspiration you just do it. like i like basketball. and if i get a fail in one of my assignments i just go you know what i don't give a c**p because as long as i got basketball i'm happy. and plus if i try reallyhard i can become a basketball player.

  3. i am in love with my partner, i get goosebumps when i think about him and when he touches me or kisses me i get excited and goosebumps, you just know when you love someone, i sit there with him and can see us there together in 50 yrstime, uno? its really nice

  4. To me it's when you just want to be with him, or even just to see him, and you always think of him. When your around him you just have this good feeling inside and your happier when your together. And he's someone you can talk to about anything.  

  5. Love is a learned feeling, it starts with infatuation or attraction, then friendship, then it moves to trust and loyalty from both,

      By being friends, you learn the good and the bad about each other and you learn to enjoy the good and accept the bad. That is also where you learn trust and loyalty, you learn that you can tell your 'friend' anything and they can tell you anything and it stays between you(Loyalty), You learn that you can tell him something that you don't like and he does his best to make it better for you(Honesty), and you do the same for him(Compromise without regret),,,,  Once you have learned al of these things,, then you learn that you are in love

         Although s*x is important in a relationship, it is not the most important factor, you or your partner can stay with you and accept the fact that you either don't want s*x or can't have s*x.....

        When you can stay with your "loved one without s*x, change their bedding because they are to ill to get out of bed, and you have to feed and bath them,  not because you are worried about what other people will say about you but because you respect and care about your loved one enough that you Want to do these things for them..  Then you can say you are in Love

        Great s*x , getting nice presents, being told that you are loved and how pretty you are,,,is passion and that is about all it amounts too

  6. love is pain and that fuzzy warm feeling wrapped in is an honest acceptance to how a person really and truly is....passion is the desire to be romantic with someone, its the burning sensation that makes humans want more and crave for....and if you put both together, then thats what you get with a good marriage

  7. well, i haven't really had that yet. i haven't dated yet either, cause i am kinda young. still though, i imagine it to be amazing. you wouldn't be able to stop thinking of him/her, and it would be like floating on a cloud lol. sorry, thats just my verson of it  

  8. It's when I know most everything about a person, and still wanna be around them. When I have a hard time not missing them after not being around them for a week. It's kind of hard to describe; I guess you'll know it when you feel it. :)

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