
What do you consider a hobby?

by Guest33114  |  earlier

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What do you consider a hobby?




  1. things one makes, not reading, computing, tv viewing and that sort of stuff nor sports activities.

    Leather tooling, sewing, crochet, knitting, spinning, weaving, beading, and more things that one makes are hobbies.

  2. going on adventures or just laying down looking at the clouds

  3. walking, bicycling, motorcycling, hiking




    Crocheting (easy to learn & take along with you when you travel)


    Cooking (usually baking)

    Soap making and making other bath & body product


    Just doing or making something, making things is a real

    thrill, even if it takes a while to get it finished.

    hope that gives you some helpful ideas.

  4. I consider my hobby my passion, it really relaxes me, & helps relieve stress at times, I do prestamped, prequilted cross sttich baby quilts.

  5. something that i do that is creative and relaxes me

  6. running around my block every day :)

  7. anything that you like to do it & almost do it everyday

  8. The Gym...working out!! Sorry, I'm not into collecting stamps!!

  9. Any thing you do creative on a regular basis in your free time

  10. An activity that you enjoy doing, on a regular basis, that you don't get paid to do (like a job).

    Running, Collecting stamps, scrapbooking, reading, hiking, all these things are hobbies.

  11. Hi:

    I consider this list a hobby:

    woodworking, scroll sawing, Veerning, Intaria, craving, whittling, gardening, blacksmithing, knife making, rustic furniture making, Boat making, rock climbing, cabinet making. Paper mache, miniature model making Crocheting, Knitting ,Cross stitching, embroidery, sewing,Quilting, Photography, cave climbing. Rock climbing, antique collecting, Tool & die work,Glass blowing. Hand spinning wool & yarn, pewter work, Printing , Stonework, cement & concrete worker, Sculptor, Special Effect man, Geologist or

    rock collector, meteor collector, Explosive Man, Flower arranging. Fashion designer, Farmer,Horse Raising and breeding, Veterian.Casino worker, brickworking, masonery, Model train collector. Toy Making. drafting, Electronic whiz. Robot maker, Silversmith, goldsmith, coppersmith, tool collector, historian, calligrapher. Civil war reinactors, Gun Collecting.stamp collecting. Bird watching. home interior decorator,conductor, hostess, thrill seeker, Surfer,scienitist, Stunt man,wheelmaker, kitchen &

    home collector,fishing collecting,blowtroch collector,bottle collector,comb collector,mining equipment and collectibles,lantern collect, Steam,air, and

    electric organ and pianio collecting, vacumm cleaner collecting,quilt collecting,Scrimshaw, toy collecting, carriage Building or coachmaking and repairing as well as collecting,Wheelmaking,sleigh collecting and building, Farm implements, pulleys,locks,steam & air gauge collecting, tinsmithing, brass smithing, ornamental ironwork, clock collecting and making (horology). Coopering, Steam engine and locomotive collecting and making, Steam whistle collecting and making ,musicial instruments collecting, vinyl and Cd record collecting slide rule, surveyor instruments collecting, Thermometer & Meterology Instruments collecting, saw blade collecting, Flag collecting,Autograph collecting,clothes, yarn weaving,String art , Movie poster

    collecting, Magazine and book collecting,Paper collecting, garderning, insect collecting, Stamp collecting, cake decorating, Pottery, Microscopery, Telescopes collecting, music box collecting, Armor collecting, Teapot collecting, Teacup collection Painting,art collecting, Picture,postcard

    collecting, Orgimai, Tourist items,Plastic tinkets,Perfeme bottles,1900's cast iron banks, Telephones, TV sets ,Taxis,Cookie Jars,Native American Art, African Art,Americana Art,Movie Reel Collecting, needle collecting, Star wars memobias, Cereal box collecting, pocket knive collecting, Knive collecting, Fence Collecting, Electricial insulator collecting, card collecting, play card collecting, Board game collecting. Doll Collecting. Ad collecting, Sign collecting,clown memorabilia, Escapologist or Magican memorabilia and stuff, Magican Pen collecting, Pencil collecting,music memorabilia Codebreaking memorabilia, crossword Puzzles, word search games or books, kite making, yo-yo,Diadlo, knotting,Hula-hooping, dancing, blogging, toblaning, singing, acting, Learn a foreign language, Beadwork, candlemaking, Scuba diving, Swimming, hiking, backpacking,camping, horseback riding, biking,Latch hooking, Anwering Q. on Yahoo, pole dancing,mountain biking,sky diving,Model training, story writting, paper embrodering, papercrafts, Candlemaking, Beading , Astronomy, You can learn a language, Unicycle, biking, motorcycling, motorcycle collecting , Dirt biking, Police memorabilia, wooden wagons and stagecoach collecting, locks and keys collecting, Blueprint collecting, Homes and building collecting, Model rocketery, clock collecting, calulator collecting skateboarding and skateboard collecting,Rc car aircraft, boats collecting, Pinball machine collecting or Pinball wizard, video game machine collecting. theme park memorabilia, stain glass working, Space memorabilia, Spoon or fork or silverware collecting ,axe collecting, Sky diving, Black project or ops collecting or a consipacist { Just be care on this one or you might disappear without a trace or worst}, Shot glass collecting,Beer mug Collecting , Christmas ornament collecting ,Seed collecting, rising birds, toothpick or matchstick building, Recipe collecting, cooking, and cookware collecting, Certains or fabric collecting,sewing machine collecting ,tree collecting Bonsai, bird watching, Dog breeding,Dog trainer, Cat trainer, Teacher, snow or ice scuplturing ,sandcasting, fencing, Fatheads Pictures,computer viruses ( just don't send them),gynnastics, Disk Jockey( DJ for short),metal detecting, Home painting,geocaching,water skiing, boating. Jet setting. airplane piloting, door to door salesman,Tv repairman, chess, checkers and other games, ship in the bottle builting, or put things in a bottle CB- Radio, Orienteering,Tatting, Batik, Metal Punch, Rug Braiding, Decoupage, Beading, Bow making, Patchwork ,Chicken Scratch ,Dough Sculpting, Seed Painting, Face Painting,Silk Stitching,Scherenschnitte,pine cone painting

    ,Tin punching. Tennis, baseball,Softball,Football,Field and track running.Diamond and jewerly collecting, Ham Radio operator,Stereo player collecting, DIY Projects, Model Rocketry and Rocketry,Boy Scouts,Cub Scouts, Eagle Scouts, Belt buckle collecting,Shoe collecting, Play a musical instrument of some type, leathercrafts, Scrapbooking stencils, Belt and buckle collecting,Shoe collecting, Play a musical instrument of some type, leathercrafts, Scrapbooking tools, Bead Making or Work, Abbacus collecting,Plastic work,Fiberglass working,entertainment director, Square dancing,Disco dancing,Ballroom Dancing, Video gaming, Opera actor, Ballooning, Recreational Boating, Recreational Flying, airplane collecting.Guitar,collecting, temari, solving mathematics,superhero memorabilia, Medievil memorabilia

    - Did I forget anything?

    I hope this helps.

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