
What do you consider abnormal versus normal behavior in everyday life?Give an example?

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Why do you think it was abnormal ? Example from your personal life. PLESE elaborate...




  1. my nieghbor stand outside talking loudly and to no one about things with are nonsensical. this is quite abnormal compared to normal just talking to yourself either in a quite tone or totally through inner dialogue.

    A 26 year old girl I know can't seem to find a job and has little motivation to get a car, most people want some freedom and realize that freedom has inherent responsibilities.

  2. Most behaviors are normal, since this is a free country and we accept all sorts of behaviors, within limits.  So normal behavior is what we see most of the time:  people having a conversation over dinner in a restaurant; people rooting for the home team at the ball park; people jogging; people riding the bus to work, or whatever.

    Abnormal behavior is much less common.  It includes:  a person standing on the street corner yelling obscenities at strangers; someone crossing a street in the middle of heavy fast traffic, as if they are trying to be hit; a "freeway sniper";  some thugs beating and killing a transient just for kicks; people hallucinating, or jumping off a building believing they can fly, etc.  

    In my personal life, I once saw a man jump on top of the hood of my friend's jeep, screaming at my friend saying "I want you!!"  The police were called and he was arrested.  It was quite scary.

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