
What do you consider as the most important issue for you during the 2008 Presidential Election?

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There are many issues that are going to be important to the voters of the United States of America during the 2008 Presidential Election. Issues including the Economy, Iraq, National Security, the National Debt, or The Future of the United States of America.

As a voter, which issue would you consider as the most important issue for you during the 2008 Presidential Election?




  1. I think honesty and character matter a great deal. In terms of issues I would put national security (including illegal immigration) first and then the economy (new jobs, bring back some manufacturing etc and reduce domestic spending)

  2. I would say...getting back our civil liberties....and the nation debt.

    Go Ron Paul!!!  :)

  3. Regaining trust in our government... Bringing all groups, congress, senate, and  all parties together so we can ALL work together for the same things and not fighting like school kids, calling names and being non-productive...

    Second most important issue is keeping someone like Hillary out of office who will only make things worse.. She's dangerous beyond belief..

  4. Restoring the Constitution of the United States.

    I can't take seriously anyone who takes either the Republican or Democratic Party seriously - in part because neither party takes you and me seriously; in part, because both are bought and paid for by corporate American and special interests. And neither party gives a d**n about the MIDDLE CLASS.

    The Republican Party doesn't embrace the conservative ideology it's alleged to, and the Democratic Party doesn't embrace it's supposed liberal ideology. In both Democratic and Republican administrations, Congress has passed and sustained billions of dollars in royalty payments and subsidies to big oil companies passed a consumer-crippling bankruptcy law, embraced the death of the estate tax, approved every free trade deal brought to a vote, and supported illegal immigration, and , despite global terrorist threats, open borders. QUITE A RECORD.

    Both parties typically put forward candidates for Congress or President who personify the least objectionable, lowest common denominators of candidates who are mere shadows and echoes of the historical principles that originally guided each party. Although we remain a nation divided along partisan lines, we are primarily a nation confounded by uninspiring candidates whose chief attributes a re generally breathtaking mediocrity. Let's be honest in 2004 a country of 300 million was forced to choose between two white guys from families of  privilege and wealth, both of whom attended Yale, and were members of the Skull & Bones society. The Yale thing shouldn't be an automatic disqualification to be president, but it is worthwhile to note that throughout almost all of the last two troubled decades, a Yalie has been in the Oval Office: President Bush, President Clinton, and President Bush. Please let's let up on the Yale thing - I for one, don't think it's working. How about someone from a Midwestern state school who has actually worked for a living in his or her life, and whose intellect, character and leadership would life the nation with a clear vision of our future a commitment to the common good  and our national interest? Just a thought.

    Republicans and Democrats have brought us, with the sometimes conscious complicity of the national media, to the point where there is a rarely a national debate on great issues. In 2004 John Kerry and George Bush met in face to face debates three time, yet neither candidate ever mentioned the total indebtedness of the United States; discussed economic, social, or even environmental impact of illegal immigration; or acknowledged the stunning dropout rates of high school students all across the country. But nearly every voter was informed about John Kerry's Swift Boat service in Vietnam and George Bush's undocumented National Guard service in Alabama. The campaign organizations of both Kerry and Bush got away with it.

    In 2004, more Americans went to the polls than in any election since 1968. Nearly seventeen million more voted for president in 2004 than in 2000, perhaps spurred on by the determination that the Supreme Court wouldn't decide in a second consecutive election who would be our president. It was the largest turnout form one election to the next since 1952. And despite that improvement, just about every four in ten eligible voters still chose noninvolvement over participation. The optimists among us would say that our low voter turnout means that so many people think we're so well represented that their vote is unnecessary. A skeptic, and I am certainly one, believes that low voter turnout partly reflects disgust and disdain for the candidates offered and the lack of real choices between our two major parties.

  5. Illegal immigration because it affects the outcome of everything in this country. Employment, the environment, wages, utilities, water use, healthcare, and so many other things.

  6. 1.) Health Care

    2.) Re-evaluate our Military importance in Iraq.

    3.) Subprime Lenders issue

    4.) Taxes

    5.) Decreasing unemployment

  7. 1)policing the corporations from abusing the people

    2)pursuing new energy technology and using renewable resources

    3)iraq war and foreign relations

    4) socialist programs for our lower class (not welfare but a program that works)

    5) stop the war on drugs allow freedom for the american people (it is not their job to protect me from myself)

    6) Broader owned media

  8. housing crisis

  9. Integrity is the most important issue for the 2008 Presidential Election.  The candidates must have integrity in what they say and do during the campaign and any statements that are made should be backed up by their actions of the past.  They should deal with the issues and provide their position and how it differs from their opponents.  If they continually attack their rivals in the race and do not focus their attention on their differences on the issues, they lose my vote.

    People want candidates to focus on the issues of the day that are important to them and how their positions differ from their rivals in the race to achieve the nonmination for their party.

  10. Character - if someone is a good person I hope I can trust them to do the right thing - yes, all of those things are important, but I'm more worried about the things that may come up that we don't know about yet.

  11. Health care. End the war. Finding new CLEAN energy sources so (hopefully) we don't have to depend on anyone for that.

  12. That the republicans and Bush & associated criminals DO NOT come back FOR EVER!!! (that would be a good start!)

  13. I say that we stay in Iraq and forget establishing a democracy.  Kill the terrorists, interrogate them, and THEN we try to establish a decent government and military base.  That, and no more abortion.  It is equal to murder.

  14. Cvil liberties, then the war, then healthcare.

    If we don't have liberty we have nothing.

  15. Just like when Bush I was leaving----"It's the economy stupid."

    The war is related to it, or vice-versa, global warming is related to it; the economy is the grand total of all the blunders and neglect Bush II has caused for 7 long and miserable years.

    "We have sown the wind and now we are reaping the whirlwind." (That's a Bible verse for George.)

  16. Economy is the most important issue that a candidate must carry.  To improve the economy so that people will have a higher standard of living.

  17. the most important issue is how we are going to get our allies to fully share in the burden of winning the war on terrorism so that we can devote more of our energies into solving domestic issues such as the economy, dependence on foriegn oil, health care and immigration reform.

  18. At this point the biggest factor in whom I will vote for would be their stance on the criminal illegal alien invasion in my country.  

    We need to secure our borders and find those criminals in my country and deport them all, seizing their assets to pay for it.

  19. 9/11 Truth!  9/11 Truth!  9/11 Truth!

  20. Privacy rights/civil liberties.

  21. National Security which will involve dealing w/ the Illegal immigration problem, Iraqi war, economy/nat'l debt/trade issues.

    It requires evaluating the character of candidates...choosing someone who is principled...and can make sound judgements/decisions based on convictions not on polls or partisanship.

  22. National debt and the economy for the long term.

  23. The dumbing down of the people.

  24. Whether the candidate asking for my vote for electors pledged to that candidate's election has read and is deeply familiar with the contents of Article Two of the Constitution and is committed to carrying out the duties described therein. Everything else is window dressing and nonsense. The President proposes. The Congress disposes. We elect a President. Not a Federal Wizard King.

  25. Illegal immigration, hands down. Most of the sheeple don't even realize the different areas, like health care, that are effected by illegal immigration.

  26. National Security.  How could anything be more important than the safety of our citizens from foriegn threats?

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