
What do you consider bullying?

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Do you think if two girls are constantly picking on my daughter it is bullying?

Name calling, telling her to shut up, that she can't sit somewhere,etc




  1. yes it is bullying, physical or verbally its all bullying and either can be just as detrimental to your child's well being anything that causes her to feel bad about herself ie these girls constant criticism needs to be addressed ,it doesn't make your child a sissy,for not fighting back we all deal with things in different ways Ive been through this with my son( his was verbal and physical)the first thing you need to do is get in touch with the school so they can have a word with the children involved sometimes with younger children this is all it takes if this fails insist on the parents being brought in and keep pushing until its sorted if after everything else shes still being picked on you need to take it away from the school and go through official channels,you always have the option off changing her schools if all else fails good luck hopefully a quiet word with the culprits will solve this problem and your daughter can go back to enjoying her schooling.

  2. Exclusion, name calling, scapegoating, physical contact and rudeness are all classfied as bullying. So yes.

  3. Name calling, telling her to shut up, and telling your daughter where to sit is definitely bullying. You need to set them straight, but not with violence. At the school I go to, the bullies get a referral or get suspended for bullying, because it distracts the education process.

    If this is happening at school, tell her teacher, and if you can, get the principal involved. Otherwise, you can try to contact the girls' parents.

  4. Yes it is bullying , but if your daughter isn't standing up for herself she's a sissy tell her to stand up for herself . She can sit where she wants and she can talk when she wants.

  5. Yes,

    Bullying is the use of strength or power (mental or physical) to coerce others by fear.

    It is the intimidation, persecution or hurting of weaker people.

    Your daughter is clearly being bullied and needs help. See a social worker or similar for immediate help.!

  6. yeah.... harassment.

  7. tell her to fight em handle her buisness its how the bullying ceases

  8. She is being bullied! I would talk to the school about the problem. Try to stay calm while letting them know about the problem. Good luck!

  9. First off you should talk to the guidance counselor on the phone or by via e-mail, second no one should be picking on your daughter(i am 14 and i know for a fact i have been bullied) third try to talk to the parents of the students if there don't work then call a school administrator and he/she will let the teacher know about this problem.

  10. thats definitely bullying.....

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