
What do you consider expensive makeup and cheap makeup?

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I used to think that Revlon was expensive and Wet & Wild was cheap, but now I've learned about brands like Dior and Bobbi Brown I consider those expensive, drug store brands cheap and things like Wet & Wild super cheap.

What does everyone else think?




  1. Drug Store is cheap.

    I prefer to shop at Sephora and get Urban Decay, Two faced, Benefit. I go to the drug store only in a bind as I have to get to Toronto to buy my makeup.  

  2. well because its better quality i love MAC and Nars makeup brands the cheap brands are okay but the really don't do much for you...♥

  3. I think anything from any mainstream store like macys or lord and taylor or nordstrom is expensive, like mac or dior. Sephora is also a really expensive brand, and i think the cheapest brands would be the drugstore brands like NYC or wet and wild.

  4. I buy my make up at walmart, I use Revlon which is cheaper but not cheap. Some people swear by the department store brands. I guess you would have to use both to notice a difference.

  5. Do you maen "cheap" as in, not very good... or cheap, as in affordable?

    Expensive would include Clinique and L'oreal... and department store brands.

    Cheap, as in, not very good, in my opinion, include L.A. Looks and Wet and Wild.

    The make up I like best that is both affordable and just right for me is Cover Girl.

  6. I know that shopping at sephora, ulta and department stores for make-up is not always possible....I have great products from these stores and local drug stores. What I consider cheap depends on the quality. You get what you pay for isn't always the case. But Wet & Wild is def something I consider cheap...not necesarilly because of the price but because of the my opinion.  

  7. anything that comes from a drug store is usually cheap.. there are a few finds that are really good, but mostly cheap.

    mac is an amazing place, and also sephora.  

  8. Nars and Mac to me are expensive, compared to Dior and Bobbi Brown there cheap and compared to your average drug store make up, there expensive. So it all depends I guess.


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